Natural Cure For Yeast Infection
If you’re tired of using messy creams or paying a lot of money for prescriptions, perhaps you should seek a natural cure for your infection. You have come to a great resource that will lead you to plenty of articles about curing yeast infections naturally. Yeast infections occur when there is an overgrowth of the yeast called Canadida Albicans. Your vagina, intestines and skin always have yeast present and it is not harmful or anything to be concerned about. However, the Candida yeast can quickly grow and cause an infection if the body experiences an imbalance. Some causes of these imbalances include diabetes, antibiotics, birth control (oral contraceptive), too much sugar in your diet, frequent douching, etc..?
Breast feeding and sexual intercourse can also cause yeast infections if the right conditions are present. There are many available options when it comes to a Natural Cure For Yeast Infection and many produce near immediate relief. Luckily, sufferers of yeast infections can experience almost instantaneous relief with the many natural cures that exist for yeast infections. These cures are intended to do the following:?
Balance the PH levels in the area where you are experiencing the yeast infection. Yeast cannot grow when the vagina is too acidic, but an overly alkaline environment can produce an overgrowth of yeast.?
The properties and application instructions are listed for these natural yeast infection cures. Each cure has an in-depth article that goes into greater detail but for now, these are brief overviews. Garlic has properties which are anti-fungal and antibacterial. very effective against yeast infections. To apply this method, you should peel the garlic clove and insert it into your vaginal opening. You may choose to use gauze around the clove of garlic before inserting it. Another method is the natural antiseptic Tea Tree Oil, having been utilized by natives in Australia for immeasurable amounts of time. You will use the oil as a douche. Put into the douche bag one cup of water and one half cup of Tea Tree Oil.?
Full of bacteria that is actually beneficial to the body,?yogurt is food product which is fermented. Your body will be aided in its fight against the yeast infection if you use yogurt. However, not just any yogurt works; it must be plain, sugar-free yogurt. Also look for a label on the carton that says it contains live active cultures. Sugar helps the yeast grow and will not help in this situation. The yogurt can be applied into or over the vagina, or you can simply eat it. Another way to effect your PH levels is through the use of?boric acid . Boric Acid, as the name implies, creates an acidic environment that the yeast cannot live in. Don’t eat boric acid. Insert a Boric Acid powder capsule into your vagina, one in the morning and one in the evening for fourteen days (or less if you get better earlier). Stop treatment when the infection is fully treated.. You can fight the effects of drying that may occur by applying Vitamin E oil directly to your vaginal walls. Experts in the field of medicine long have lauded the effects of boric acid as a cure for yeast infections. Used for its antiseptic properties and also as a marker in different types of medical procedures, it is a common remedy. The overabundance of yeast in your system will quickly die off due to the high level of anti-fungal properties in this product. The product should be applied to the effected areas. This product can stain clothes, so if you choose this option you will also want to wear a thick maxi pad. Your body needs good bacteria, called probiotics. The good bacteria will help fight off the yeast. You may consume probiotics in a capsule form. Another option to fight a yeast infection, is a probiotic which already occurs in your body naturally,?Acidophilus . This natural remedy will reduce the food supply for the yeast in your body by fermenting any sugars in your body and turning them in to lactic acid. You may also consume this product in a capsule.
It can be inserted into the vagina at bedtime. It can be inserted into the vagina at bedtime, or you can ingest it.
If you enjoyed this article, <a target="_new" href="/”>Home Cure Yeast Infection, visit my site for specific instructions on how to apply these powerful remedies.
Click here to visit my site ==> <a target="_new" href="/”>Natural Treatment For Yeast Infection