What on Earth Happened to Britney Spears?
Britney Spears is so effective on a world-wide basis, that she generates record-shattering sales with CDs, music videos and electric performances. In effect she has become her own lucrative business, starting with her good girl image and slowly sliding into a more provocative style that has offended her young fans and their parents.
Her image started becoming tarnished in 2004, when she married Jason Alexander, a childhood friend, in Las Vegas and had the marriage annulled 55 hours later. Prior to that short marriage, there was significant scandalous publicity generated when she lost her virginity to Justin Timberlake, a former member of N’SYNC.
She married Kevin Federline that same year. After giving birth to two sons and enduring a divorce in 2006, Britney joined the party scene in a big way. She became a media darling with her drunken and late-night escapades that much more than bordered on the bizarre.
Adding to the ever increasing negative mystic surrounding Britney, critics began questioning her parenting abilities when she was photographed driving her car with her 5-month-old son on her lap. Later in the year, a pregnant Britney was blasted across the magazine scene when she was photographed nude on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar. Apparently without any semblance of modesty, she appeared totally nude, obviously pregnant, with her legs crossed and hands holding her breasts. “…I started feeling myself again,” she said.
After announcing her separation from Kevin Federline, she is seen partying in Manhattan and in Los Angeles and Las Vegas with Paris Hilton. The two celebrities spent the Thanksgiving holiday weekend partying every night at well-liked Los Angeles nightclubs. They were seen shopping together in Malibu with Britney’s oldest son in tow.
She has been in rehab several times, but always returns to her frantic party-girl style as soon as she get released. Her usual procedure would be to check herself into a rehab and then check herself out in a day or two.
A bizarre weekend of clubbing a while back ended with her shaving her head in a salon. That antic got world-wide media attention and did nothing to erase her steadily growing reputation as one certainly in immediate need of rehabilitation support.
Very recently, during a well-publicized custody battle with Kevin Federline, she lost custody of her sons and ended up within the hospital under mental lockdown. Simply because the court representative could not discover “No just cause” for the 14-day hold, Britney was released early once again from the UCLA Medical Center’s psych ward.
Her notorious custody battle with Federline stimulated considerable stress and more bizarre behavior. She’s locked herself in a room of her L.A. house with one of her children and refused to hand him over to her ex-husband. She was taken out of her home on a gurney and hospitalized for mental evaluation.
Her parents are now embroiled in a battle to get her the help she needs and to protect her finances from those that appear to be predators. Numerous accusations abound in this unfortunate public decay of a young woman with a giant fan following. There’s no telling where it’ll end.
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