“Business Owners Beg You To Help Them?”
If you know anything about local business you know how ruthlessly the recession is harming them.
They are cutting back on advertising which affects the advertising industry, keeping costs to a minimum and laying off staff just to survive and try and ride through this latest recession.
Which is where you come in.
If you have internet marketing skills of any kind then you should be helping businesses local to you. They will be so glad that you can do so and you will make a huge alteration to their lifestyle as well as your own.
Most local business owners do not know how to rank their website in google, perform article marketing let alone set up a Facebook Fan page, and even if they do know how they don’t have the time as they are too busy trying to keep their business afloat.
But what if you don’t know how to do these tasks either, or just have one or two skills?
Outsourcing is the key as you can quite easily locate experts who will perform these tasks for you for a lower cost than you charge a local business. This isn’t unethical as it is how business works in the real world and to be honest if you bring in more sales to the business then the owner will love you for it and ask you to do even more – a true win win solution for everyone.
So how do you find local business clients?
One method is to just talk to people as you are out and about during your normal excursions, shopping, at the local restaurant, chatting at the gas station.
When the business owner gets on to the subject of the recession – which he will, then you can mention that you provide marketing services for local businesses and would be happy to have a look and see what you could do for him.
The other method is to give something away for free so you don’t have to sell and be rejected. Business owners love anything they can get for free so this technique will have local clients hammering at your door.
If you want to find out how you can help local businesses without having to sell to them first then have a look at this free report The Loss Leader Method.
The best way to help businesses and make yourself a lot of money is to use The Loss Leader Report CLICK HERE NOW
and have a look.