Don’t wish for it, Cheekyoffer it! has been launched to provide buyers and sellers with a unique selling platform. We offer free classified ads, and have many selling options, such Auction, Dutch auction, Buy it now and our own Unique Cheekyoffer format.

We have many thousands of categories including, Jewelry, Fine art, Watches, baby clothes, PC’s, Motor, collectable, health & beauty & safety equipment to mention a few.

So if you are looking for that Special purchase, would like to treat someone to a beautiful smelling perfume, or even a luxury break. Cheekyoffer is the top UK Free Auction site that you can show off your listings for Free. Auction sites are everywhere, but Great Free Auctions sites are very rare. We offer the user loads of Free Listing templates and even give you a store to place all of your Phone-iPhone accessories, your Car & Motor listings and we don’t change you a penny. It is all free to use. Even images can be placed in your Classifieds and 3 in your Auction listings all for nothing. If you have a new pair of shoes or a used watch or even a rare antique, place 3 free images in each of the listings and watch the Buy it now and Auction Cheekyoffers come flooding in.You can import all of your listings from other sites. So all of your DVD’s, Books and CD’s can be imported with the click of your mouse.

Cheekyoffer allows user to place as many items as you want on this free auction site. This includes the use of templates, bulk uploader, and many other selling tools.As we are a very forward thinking business, we offer you Free Classifiied listings as we see this as the next step in online sales. So get ahead of the rest and start to list your auction items and your classifieds ads now with us, all for free.

Cheekyoffer has a unique auction format. If you list an item with a hidden reserve and a Cheekyoffer is placed on or above your hidden reserve, then the item is sold there and then, no waiting for a week to get outbid or even snipped at the last minute. It’s sold. This is great for sellers who have multiple items or even just want a really quick sale at a price they want.It works, the format is fantastic, and no other site has this. We also offer the usual auction formats that you would find on other sites, and with no charge.

So come on have a browse at our many categories. Our clothing range is one of the finest, so is our range of garden and home furnishings. We are striving to become a global leader in online sales, from the Auction shop through to the Special offer and Cheekyoffer sales and hope to create the best free online auction site & the best free classified ads site.

If it’s out there its on,

About the Author:

Cheekyoffer provide best services in UK Auctions sites, Jewellery & Watches free auctions, Computers & Networking free auctions, Tickets & Travel free auctions in UK.

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