How Smoking During Pregnancy Will Damage Your Child for Life

Smoking during pregnancy can have several negative effects on your unborn child. It’s unlikely one child will develop all the know problems associated with smoking during pregnancy but they will develop some of them. There are too many known risks with smoking during pregnancy, even though there haven’t been that many studies done. What potential mothers are aware of regarding smoking while pregnant and what is known about the risks seems to be worlds apart. Every woman needs to be aware of the consequences of smoking while pregnant. The following is information on just a few of the known consequences associated with smoking while pregnant.

Cigarettes have hundreds of added chemicals which attack all of the systems. When a mother smokes during pregnancy, the baby’s immune system is compromised which makes them more susceptible to colds and infections. The respiratory system also suffers from several complications due to smoking during pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy can also lead to your child having problems with normal growth.

Birth defects ranging from cleft palate or cleft lip or both can be caused by smoking while pregnant.

Consideration should be given to your unborn child just like you would give to someone else. A cleft in any tissue is a result of incomplete closing during development or growth before birth. As you know, the future effects on your child will be tremendous. There will be various speech problems as well as severe social stigma which will negatively impact your child.

It is natural to focus mainly on the immediate physical consequences smoking while pregnant can have on the baby. Studies are beginning to show a connection between smoking while pregnant and the child having behavioral difficulties. This can mean the child has a learning disability or a general behavioral issue. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to several negative effects for your unborn child. There is still much to learn and more research needs to be done. But the bottom line is clear when it comes to the negative effects of smoking on a fetus. So if you’re pregnant, it’s vital to find a way to quit smoking. Thinking it’s too hard or simply not being ready to is why most people don’t quit. We urge you to do more reading and research on the subject. Pregnant women especially should get help from their doctors to beat their nicotine addiction.

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