Deploying VDI – VMware View and Citrix XenDesktop
Virtualization has become quite the buzz word today with fully virtualized data centers bringing in cost efficiency and keeping your business agile and competitive. The growing shift to a vibrant data center is causing many IT organizations to reevaluate their IT operations, support, and management methods. Virtualizing the desktop is a reasonable way to support growing numbers of unmanaged desktops, external users and other use-case scenarios.
Deploying VDI or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, can be very beneficial to organizations who have tactical business needs and cannot manage with terminal based server solutions. Transferring desktop computing settings to virtual machines hosted on remote servers and deployed in data centers can help reduce the costs associated with maintenance and support. These VD machines are easy to install and provide an efficient management of virtual desktop images while reducing storage requirements. It provides significant improvement to computer hardware efficiency, security, and centralized desktop manageability.
Virtualization desktop solutions for storage, systems and networks can reduce operational costs and business risks, increase efficiency and enhance business resilience.
VMware and Citrix – Competing in the Virtual World
VMware and Citrix are competing with each other about whose hypervisor can support more VDI users. But, when it comes to value, which product is better? We are gaining because of this competition; VDI is getting better and better. If you want to deploy Virtual Desktop solutions in your organization, factors that need to be looked into for making the decision will have to do with:
- Application compatibility
- End user experience
- Delivering personal settings
- Deployment
- Pricing and TCO
- Manageability
Citrix XenDesktop historically maintains an edge over VMware as a client-friendly, firewall-friendly connectivity suite. Both VMware and Citrix make it cost-effective to have a closed model wherein you install just their solution, both for the hypervisor and the virtual desktop.
Both Citrix XenDesktop and VMware’s View 4.5 have been credited as being ‘enterprise ready’ according to Gartner.
Deploying VMware View is simpler and requires less complex architecture as compared to Citrix XenDesktop. Apart from the Virtual Infrastructure, you only need to install View Manager to be up and running. You get amore comprehensive and efficient image and storage management of virtual desktops and can provide end users with a quality of experience on the LAN that matches or exceeds that offered by others. While with VMware, 10,000 hosted desktop environments would require around 125 servers, whereasCitrix would require 239 servers.
While Citrix has a superior remote protocol, VMware has a far more integrated and superior management system.
Citrix XenDesktop enables more flexible virtual work enabling users to access their applications and data from any location through any device including the latest iPhone, Android and Blackberry Smartphone’s as well as the new generation of tablets.
VMware uses a concurrent user model of licensing which means that you need a license for each connected user, Citrix also offers concurrent licensing, with XenDesktop Standard, Advanced, Enterprise and Platinum editions all licensed based on the number of concurrent virtual desktops in use.
Which Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Solution is the best? Honestly I think it is so close I wouldn’t like to say one way or another. Without a better understanding of the requirements it is impossible to give an accurate and profound answer to this question. Designing, building, managing and maintaining the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure using the right technologies, corresponding vendors and products is an important step.