Methods To Produce Money on YouTube Without Too Much Trying
Are you tapped into the YouTube phenomenon? Viewing habits are changing and television viewership is declining as more and more people turn to YouTube for their entertainment. We’re no longer locked into the viewing preferences of a network executive, but can now search out channels and videos that contain content the viewer wants to watch.
This creates several unique ways to make money on YouTube. An aspiring television writer can find an aspiring television director to shoot their own sitcom or one camera set up in their living room, edit and score on their home computer, and post to YouTube. If it attracts enough attention, it can lead to pitch sessions and perhaps a television or movie deal, with a big payday. Young movie makers can create no budget films posted in sessions on the site, and monetize the production through back end DVD sales.
The same method would work for any product salesman who can demonstrate the use and value of their product on the site, with a link to direct sales. The rules of direct response advertising would apply requiring a very short, less than three minutes, infomercial that creates attention, interest, desire, and the action, which is the order.
An author can make money on YouTube by reading portions of their book, with links back to the book for purchase, or to a website with a landing page that offers a newsletter subscription or some form of opt in e-mail subscription. While it doesn’t create an immediate income stream, a newsletter audience is a platform that can be monetized through future promotions or joint ventures. Think of what Oprah does to her audience of millions. She recommends a product or book and it instantly hits the best seller charts. While your YouTube platform may not command the audience that Oprah holds, although it can, because the most popular videos get as many views as the average Oprah show, a smart marketer can utilize a platform of any size to create money.
Another way to make money on YouTube is to post the most highly viewed videos into your blog or website and put Google Ad Sense ads on the side. As the much talked about video gets searched, its position on your blog can get indexed on the search engines and give you higher rankings. That traffic can view the video you’ve embedded on your site, and perhaps click through on the ads, thus earning you PPC. This is a very passive form of income, and requires some tweaking and testing, but it can work. If you post a video to your site, and link back, then post comments to other blogs, or link it to a social networking site, like Facebook or MySpace, then your friend list may drive traffic to the site.
The key to making money on YouTube is to think outside of the box. Even the YouTube executives are spending their creative energy searching for ways to monetize their site. The best way to utilize the site is to embrace the power of video, combine it with classic direct response techniques, and make it funny, unique and interesting so that people want to watch the video and join your platform.
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