Care about Animals

It is a dilemma of today’s world, with so much industrialization and techno-intrusion in our lives that we are forgetting about nature and its beauties with which it has enriched our earth. We have less time to think about all that is natural and bears its own charm not artificially embedded or formally designed but spontaneous and original by birth.
One of the key blessings of our lives is animals. If you have ever pondered about nature and experienced the joys of observing animals with a deeper insight, you would be surprised to notice quite a lot. First thing about animals is how perfectly they are created, and how amazingly they have been blessed with senses, to know, understand, act and respond in a specific way.
Whether it is about wild-life or pets, each one is unique in terms of physique and functionality with certain traits varying from individual to individuals. So in any case you can generally related some characters to be genetically transmitted while there are also individual traits which are specific to individual.
The most interesting fact about animals, which most of us do not know is that, there are more than 1.7 million species of animals discovered so far and many still undiscovered. Simply looking at birds you can see 350 species in parrots only. It means that there is a whole world of animals out there which needs our care and about which many of us do not even know much.
However, there are few people who value each life and animals are of great interest to them. They love and love to know all about animals. They have realized that these animals are living beings which share the earth with us and they should be given attention and they deserve some care, respect and kindness from us. But there are many who don’t!
Increasing deforestation, destroying natural habitat and over-pollution is a very unfair way to treat these animals. Also there are others who keep them as pets, away from their natural homes, caging them, taming them and training those using savage techniques and punishments.
Summing it up, it is not fair to simply ignore, mistreat or rule animals just because we are the dominant Species on this planet. Instead we should facilitate them using our superior thinking abilities and make this place a better place not only for ourselves but for animals as well. We can make it possible by knowing all about animals, their needs and caring for them as much as we care about ourselves.

This article is about animals with very good information on all about animals. For more information, visit

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