The Important Things You Ought to Know Regarding Seven Weeks Pregnancy
At 7 weeks pregnant you still may not be showing very much. Others may not even be able to tell you are pregnant by just looking at you. However, you may have noticed a small bulge in the lower part of your abdomen. Your clothes are probably getting a little tighter and less comfortable to wear. There may be more days that you opt to wear those loose sweatpants! And you may have already started thinking about building your wardrobe of maternity clothing.
Morning sickness is very likely still a part of your day. You may have also started experiencing headaches or even migraines. Pregnancy changes the hormone levels and some women have more migraines when they are pregnant. However, there are lots of women who have fewer migraines while they are pregnant.
Many ladies have the first occurrence of migraines after they become pregnant. This is because they are usually caused by dilating blood vessels in the brain. It starts out like just a regular headache and then gets worse. Usually it is on one side of the head. Nausea is also a very common occurrence with a migraine.
Although they are not dangerous to the pregnancy, they can be miserable. If you have a migraine and you also have blurred vision or a fever you should contact your physician as soon as possible. There are many things that can trigger migraines. The symptoms of pregnancy can be common triggers. Symptoms such as stress, lack of sleep or changing hormone levels can all trigger a migraine.
There are a few things to avoid if you have migraines associated with pregnancy. Limiting coffee and other drinks which contain caffeine can help. Also chocolate and wine should be avoided. Some cheeses, wines and strong odors can also cause these terrible headaches and should be avoided.
You may also begin to have strange cravings. One reason for this is that your body needs more calories to sustain you and the baby. Your overall eating habits may change due to very different preferences in your tastes. Usually cravings are along the lines of pickles or other salty snacks. However, a pregnant woman can have many different cravings for a wide variety of foods.
It is important to eat healthy during your pregnancy. Also incorporating an exercise regime should be discussed with your physician. He can help you set up a healthy diet and exercise program to be adhered to during the pregnancy.
Visit Catherine Reynolds’s site of to learn more info on 7 weeks pregnant symptoms and 7 weeks pregnant.