First Marathon in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

After doing no marathon training, Chris recently ran his first marathon in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs and finished with a darn good time. You may remember Chris from when he ran the Baltimore Half Marathon with Bien. Here’s what he sent us about running the marathon:
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Recently, I ran and completed my first marathon. I only signed up a few weeks before the race in a moment of insanity, but it actually went pretty well. I’ve done two half marathons and a 10-mile race in the past few years, but I have not done any running specific training in 12 months and I’ve been doing Crossfit Strength Bias (CFSB) since December 2009. I did a few 5-6 mile runs to prepare for my 10 miler last April, but since then I have only done two 3 mile runs and one 4 mile run, in addition to occasional 400m, 800m, or short sprint work in keeping with the CFSB metcon standards.
Clearly, I had not done any specific training for the marathon whatsoever. I finished in 4:26 which isn’t setting any records, but is great for my level of prep. I ran in my VFFs and only took in water and my own coconut water based iskiate recipe on course, as well as two Larabars and some salt packets. Pre and post race food was all paleo as well, except for one scoop of whey in my pre-race shake.

One week later I was pretty much fully recovered. My left hip flexor was quite sore for the first 24 hours, but it’s back to normal now. Feet had a couple blisters, but did not hurt after the first couple hours. The only remaining issue is some soreness at the bottom of my left Achilles where it attaches to my heel. I felt that start to get aggravated during some of the final hills but it’s almost totally better now. I can tell that my strength is not back 100%, but I was back in the weight room by the following week.

If anyone would like more details on my nutrition strategy or race details please just let me know.

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What a great showing! While we certainly warn against anyone trying this, it is an amazing feat. Congratulations, Chris!

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