Natural Solutions And Migraine Headache Treatments
If you suffer from migraine headaches, then you know as well as anyone that as soon as you start feeling it, you want to get rid of it right then and there. You don’t want to have to go call a friend to take you to a medical practitioner to prescribe you an adapted migraine headache solutions, right? Preferably, you don’t want to develop a reliance on medicinal remedies in the first place, lest you wind up becoming nearly immune to them and needing more and more to treat your migraine.
So, what you want is a natural, quick, fast acting cure that you have access to at home. Here are a few treatments you can try and combine in order to try and get rid of a headache fast.
Light Exercise
Try it with care. Don’t start with a mile run at full speed around the block. Rather, start with some crunches or stretches, yoga perhaps. The concept is to simply get the blood flowing, get some energy going through your body so that you can refresh yourself and sort of flush the migraine out. If it works, keep going to it each time you feel a migraine coming on.
If you have a mate, someone who lives with you and can give you a massage when you need it, you may want to see about making a nice, deep massage a part of your daily routine, or at least a way to stave off headaches when they get started.
Start with mild hots and colds. Just as with exercise, extremes can just make things worse. So when you feel a headache coming on, then grab a towel, soak it in cool water and place it across the back of your neck. Alternately, you an use a warm towel, fresh from the dryer or soaked with warm water. Occasionally this soothing feeling can stop a headache dead in its tracks. Use your own instincts and figure out which temperature works for you, and to what degree.
Suffer from migraine? Prevent, control and care for your migraine headache completely. Serious headache can be prevented. Click on the link to check out how to prevent migraine naturally.