Years of collecting Planes
Working in a Nursing Home for the Elderly is very educational; it’s amazing how much I have learnt in the last 4 years working as a volunteer at the Nursing Home. I didn’t really pay much attention in History lesson at school, so hearing stories about the past was very fascinating.
As I was just a volunteer, I was only allowed to work with one elderly person at anytime. I was assigned to a wonderful and jolly man, we spent hours just talking about anything and everything. Majority of the time he would tell me stories of his past, time he spent in the army, fighting in wars and the wonderful life he had with his wife.
Over the years we have become very close, I spend more time with him than I do with my family, my boyfriends thinks I’m filling a hole in my heart that my dad left when he died few years ago from a heart attack. On many occasion I dragged my boyfriend to the Nursing Home just so I could spend time with the two important men in my life.
Last week while we were talking I found out the he has a hobby of collecting Hobby Zone Planes which he has been doing for a very long time. I was really excited as I love planes; also I have always wanted to be a pilot but never did pursue that career path.
On our next day out, we decided to visit one of the local parks, so we could take one of the planes to fly as well as have a picnic and outdoor activities. We both can’t wait for our day trip but we are also very confused about which plane to take.