What Your Competition Doesn’t Want You to Know About Competing Online
He might have a phenomenal website or a cheap website design done by a relative. Regardless of the investment he made in his website, he has a website. Here are 5 things the other guy doesn’t want you to know about competing online:
1. He’s getting attention from prospective customers.
Whether you own a restaurant or a local car repair shop, people are searching online for your type of business. They are even using their phones to search the internet. When your competitor’s website shows up and yours doesn’t, they have a chance at those new customers, even if he has a simple one-page website. You’re invisible. Your business doesn’t even have a chance to serve them.
2. He is enjoying around-the-clock promotion.
How many hours is your business open? Chances are your business is open during normal business hours. How many hours does your best salesperson put in? Even if your best person is working overtime, your competitor’s website has him beat. How? Because his website can promote his business 24-7, every day of the year.
3. He can update his information fast.
It’s expensive and time-consuming to update brochures or other advertising materials. Your yellow pages ad can’t be updated for a year. While you’re dealing with outdated information, your competition’s website can be updated within days, sometimes sooner, depending on his website designer’s schedule.
4. He’s following up on autopilot.
Prospective customers need to see your name multiple times in order to decide to buy. The other guy’s website is set to automatically follow-up with his visitors who want more information. He can set it to send one or a series of emails, which frees up his personnel to spend more time making sales. Also, when he has a special offer, your competitor can easily and cheaply send it out to his list.
5. He’s gaining market share.
If potential customers are NOT finding your business, they are buying from your competition. While his website probably won’t account for 100% of his sales, it is likely to account for a significant percentage of sales. With every new customer, the other guy’s business is making money and getting stronger financially.
Your competitor is delighted your business doesn’t have a website. You might think you can’t afford one. You may believe there is no such thing as affordable website design. The question is “Can you afford not to have a website for your business?”
Resource: Raynay Valles is the author of 70 Website Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, available on Amazon.com. Get an affordable website design now starting at $99.00 Click here for details or visit http://smartwebsiteowners.com/affordablewebsitedesign/