Is it safe for Diabetic to use Corns and Warts remover?

Most physicians would strongly suggest that a diabetic patient see a podiatrist on a regular basis for routine foot care and for examinations. I suggest this even to those who have good control of their disease. Most diabetic patients should have their toenails professionally cut by a podiatrist or a pedicurist trained by a podiatrist. Foot problems are a common complication of diabetes largely due to the combination of neuropathy, which can manifest as numbness or decreased ability to feel pain, and vascular disease, which decreases blood flow to the feet.

A small cut or abrasion on the foot can get infected and develop into an extremely serious problem in a small amount of time. For these reasons, it is generally not recommended that even a well-controlled diabetic use an over-the-counter liquid corn remover. Foot injury, worsened by diabetes, is the leading cause of lower leg amputations in the U.S. and Western Europe.

In addition to having a relationship with a podiatrist, all diabetics should get an annual examination by ophthalmologist. This examination included dilation of the eye and examination of the retina for diabetic eye disease. This can be effectively treated if found early, but is often diagnosed late. Diabetic complications of the eye are one of the leading causes of blindness.

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