How To Write An Argumentive Essay
This paper presents a series of argumentive essays based on five specific scenarios. Each essay starts with a description of the person and proceeds to other related issues. According to Erica, (2008:2) an argumentive assay is an essay that presents a one sided discussion of an issue.
In this scenario, it is unfortunate that Diane does not want to sacrifice her smoking habit irrespective of her being aware that it is likely to compromise her integrity and being responsible as an individual as well as a mother of her children. First, Diane is well aware that she is pregnant and that smoking is dangerous in the condition she is currently in. As a responsible parent and going by the fact that this is not her first pregnancy, Diane ought to show some more sense of responsibility by quitting smoking. In fact, she is already aware that she is expectant and that smoking can only harm the unborn child. As a result, she can only continue smoking if she want to intentionally harm the unborn child. In this case therefore, she would be sacrificing the child for her other life quests; a move that would brand her an extremely irresponsible woman.
Irrespective of the fact that it is within her legal rights to buy and use cigarette, I would like to believe that it is not within the law to smoke while a woman is pregnant which would culminate in intentional endangering of the unborn child’s life. However, Diane might want to offer the life stress that she is currently going through both at work and at home as the excuse for her continued smoking habit irrespective of her condition. As a single mother of three and expecting a fourth kid, the financial strain and the stress at work, Diane’s current situation is by no means favorable and may lead to change in behavior including moving to other drugs; leave alone cigarettes if haste action is not taken to support her emotionally. Nevertheless, responsibility as a mother demands that she pull herself together irrespective of the situation that she is through at least for the sake of her three kids and more so the unborn. This would call for the highest level of resilience on her part which can be enhanced through seeking haste emotional counseling. Cigarette smoking is also addictive just like any other drug and this may undermine her ability to quit irrespective of her having realized that she is pregnant. In due consideration of the above, this is another reason that makes me feel that Diana needs urgent help from the medical professionals if at all she is to come out of her current solemn condition. However quitting smoking for Diane at this point is not an option but a must.
From the beginning, Andrew’s wish is justified. As a student, the current situation that he is faced with is rather pressing and is likely to negatively affect his studies. Having paid for her classes and then failing to afford purchasing textbooks in a college that does not provide them to the students is challenging for Andrew’s academic progress. Critically, he made mistake from the beginning. The choice of the college that one goes to must be preceded by a thorough evaluation of both the conditions of the institution as well as personal ability in terms of finances and other factors necessary to cope with the former. From the look of things he failed to do this otherwise he would have joined an institution in which textbooks are provided and delivered to students. On the other hand, the school could be the one to blame, especially if they failed to adequately inform students that they are supposed to purchase their own textbook well before admission. How Andrew survives in college without text books is the major question in this case. Practically, it is impossible to learn without textbooks. As a result, Andrew has two options. It is either he seeks assistance to purchase the necessary books or move to a college where textbooks are provided if at all such a transfer is easy to effect.
The predicaments that Zeke and her family are faced with at the moment really leave them between a rock and a hard surface. Ideally, the Zeke’s family economic well being is greatly dependent on the thriving of this business. As such, the business down turn and the recent plummeting of the business due to loss of customer threatens the family’s economy and general ability to survive. The Zeke and family worries are thus justified. Similarly, their hope that the proposed trolley will restore the business lifeline by bringing in additional visitors is a good course. Similarly, their move to campaign for the support of the trolley by their friends and neighbors is an indication that they really value the business and that they are doing everything humanly possible to restore it back. However, with the business importance, Zeke and his family cannot afford to sit back and hope for the trolley. Hoping on the trolley means that the future of the business rests on mere probability and exposes the business to very great risk of collapse. In business, there are always alternatives.
While Zeke wait and hope for the proposed trolley therefore, alternative strategies that gives a new lifeline to the business should be sought in order to secure the business future irrespective of whether the trolley proposal materializes or not. In my own opinion over reliance on the proposed trolley only institutes rigidity and places the business at a greater risk should the trolley proposal fails. An evaluation of the current business situation and the reason for customers reduction needs to be ascertained and actions taken to reverse the trend. Therefore, strategic analysis and focus strategy are necessitated in this case.