Be the Next Bride

Are you one of the bridesmaids who have worn different kinds of bridesmaid dresses and can relate to the idiomatic expression, “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride”? This could somehow be affecting your self-image and maybe you’re starting to think if you’re not really desirable and that you are someone who doesn’t really look interesting. But at times, it isn’t really just about how you look but on how to carry yourself.

Well it really doesn’t matter though if you are wearing the most sophisticated and elegant bridesmaid dress in town if you don’t really know how to properly carry yourself. People really don’t judge us by the clothes we wear but is more on how do we wear them. For all we know, a bridesmaid may be wearing one of the cheapest dresses she can buy and still look amazing to people just when she knows how to flaunt her assets, look good and handle herself well.

One of the first things that you need to understand is that you must first discover yourself: what personality do you have, what are the things that you want and the things that you don’t want. You don’t have to imitate people and try to be someone just to please people and make them like you. Most of the time, it just makes you feel uncomfortable and uncertain of yourself which reflects on how you think, speak and act.

You also have to understand that though you may not be able to please everyone, there is still something in you that matches another person’s personality. This means you don’t have to be a different person just because you want a guy to like you. Sooner or later, you will still be able to find the guy who will be the perfect match for you and the right time will come for you to be the next bride.

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