Two Green Thumb Gardening Tips You Need To Know.
When planting potted plants use a pot that can drain out the bottom. This guarantee’s that any left over water in the pot will be able to filter through. This is so important because if the roots of your plants are constantly saturated with water your plants will get root rot.
If you are planting plants in the ground then you want to mix some rocks evenly throughout the soil you are planting in. The rocks will create paths for the water to drain when the soil gets to wet.
The second tip for properly draining soil is to use peat moss. When planting a houseplant use about one quarter peat moss to three quarters soil. Using too much peat moss will cause your plants to dry out and constantly need to be watered.
Peat moss does not hold water very well, which is good in a way because it helps to drain out excess water. If you use peat moss when growing plants outside you want to use about 1/2 & 1/2 to help retain some extra water, so when the soil becomes too dry it will grab more moisture from its surroundings.
The second key to healthy plants is to use a fertilizer. You can easily make your own fertilizer at home. Fertilizing your plant is nothing more than feeding them. The easiest way to do this is to water your plants with water that has little bit of sugar in it every other time or so. Caution: Only use about one table spoon for every gallon of water.
I hope you find these tips useful and you and your plants start to get a little greener.