For Him on February 14th
Shopping or finding things to make a woman happy on Valentine’s Day is pretty easy. We’re told, from a young age – through advertising and what we see others doing – what it is that women want on that special day in February. What about things for him on Valentine’s Day? The classical gifts probably won’t work.
We’ve all seen the commercial and many women have read the romance novel in which the doorbell rings and the guy answers it to find his woman. She’s got long-stem, red roses in one hand and candies in the other and a smile in between.
In real life, the man will be thrilled because she thought of him, but most men really aren’t interested in roses and candies. For him, on Valentine’s Day, his idea of romantic and thoughtful are very different from hers. He enjoys giving the flowers and the chocolate and taking her out for a night on the town, since a man’s greatest joy is to have his woman be thrilled.
To reverse this, women seem ready to receive gifts, but generally unable to figure out how to give them to men. If she buys him a power drill or a new shirt or the new smart phone on the market, she will probably find out that it was the wrong kind of drill, a style of shirt he doesn’t like, or not the smart phone he wanted.
Gifting to women (for men) is nearly always easy because the standard gifts always work: jewelry, chocolate, flowers, and nights at good restaurants. It’s hard to screw that up. For women giving to men? Not so cut and dried. Except for one thing.
Now picture the guy answering his door. His woman is there, flowers and chocolates in hand. The difference this time? She’s wearing a long coat, which hangs open, to reveal the best of Victoria’s Secret underneath.
Many women are anxious that they don’t look good in lingerie or they don’t rival the supermodels on TV who showcase it. This worry is unwarranted. If your man is spending his time with you, is giving you gifts and sharing his life with you, it’s because he loves you. The way you are. To him, you’ll look hotter than Mount St. Helens on eruption day. The fact that you thought of him, that you want to be with him, and that you’re willing to do a little extra to spice it up for him is all that’s required.
What women seem to have a hard time understanding is that for men, sex has two major components. Biological need and wants are obvious. The other is not so easy to see. Men find sex to be the thing that brings them and their woman close, creating that connection, and for his woman to be sharing it with him is the ultimate gift.
So finding the right gift for him on Valentine’s Day may be much easier than you think. In fact, that gift can be given at most any time for almost any occasion. Show him you are happy with him, you love him, and you want to be with him. Accept his gifts as if they’re the greatest ever given. Then give him the greatest gift you can give him: your love.
This year do something different for February 14th and get a gift for him that he will really appreciate.