7 Points for Testing your Printing Company

Okay! Let us test your printing company shall we? Whether it is an online printing company or a traditional printing company, there are 7 points that we can consider important when it comes to a printer. If the printer scores high in these 7 points, we can deem it a great business partner for printing business materials. In this guide, I will teach you about these 7 points so that we can test out your own printing company.  Let us start with the most important of all aspects that a printing company should have, the price.

1. Market competitive price – Your printing company should always have a market competitive price. Whatever it is, be it a big city printing company or a small online printing company, the prices for most printed material should be within market variations. To determine if your printing company is within that zone, simply try to canvass other printing companies and see if their printing quotations are near or are similar for the same printing job. It is good to try and test out 5-10 companies to see what the real competitive prices are. If your company is out of that range or is in the high mean, then I would suggest you change your printing company for something better.

2. Provided printing samples – The next point of testing for your printer is its printing samples. The printing samples of a printing company should of course appear in good quality. A digital sample is fine, but it is good if you can acquire an actual printing sample in real life. Some printing companies do offer sending a free sample printing package to businesses so that they can showcase their printing abilities. If your printer can do that, I would say go for that printer. If not, I would suggest that you go and research for more details about that printing firm.

3. Reputation – Reputation is also key in testing out a printing company. You must try to gauge how most of the local or near market printing industry sees the printing company that you are eyeing. Are they the big boss professionals? Are they the new printing kids on the block? Are they the cheap printer or are they the specialists? You can do this easily now by researching the printing company on the Internet. It should be easy to spot comments and impressions about a printing company there. If you discover a generally professional reputation then you can more or less go for printing, if you see some significant number of negative comments, I suggest you search for more information.

4. Reviews – You might also want to go straight to the point in judging a printing company and look for actual customer review for your printing company. If a company has done something particularly bad or particularly good, then there should be something in forums, blogs and printing review sites about it. Of course, if it is bad, you should try to avoid the printer and if it is good you should go ahead and hire them. If there is none, then the printer is probably a bit average and you should try and research more about them.

5. Customer service – Another point of testing is the state of customer service of the printing company. How a company treats its customers is a function of a printing company’s professionalism. Printing services with a 24 hour customer service hotline or online customer support is usually a good sign of a great printer. Otherwise, if you find that it is hard to even inquire about things, then you might want to look for another printing company.

6. Online services – Of course, one of the ideal testing points for a printing company is there online service. A truly dynamic and modern printing company will probably have an online portal and online printing services. If your printing company has that, then you have hit gold. Otherwise, if they are lacking in online services then they are not as ideal as you want them to be.

7. Bonuses – Finally, you should never forget to test if there are any other bonuses or perks when it comes to your printing company. Do they offer great discounts? Do they give wholesale prices for printing orders? Are there freebies and other great incentives? If there are some bonuses like these, then it is a real point for them and you should try to see if it is worth going for that bonus.

So how does your printing company measure up to these testing points? If it passes 5 or more on these things, you do have a prospect there for a printing company. Good Luck!

This composition is projected to give the readers information about how to test a printing company and more about online printing company.

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