Possibilities And Law Of Attraction Relationships

There is a train of thought, with some serious validity to it, that we can literally think reality into existence. This is to say that we can think about things, or situations, and by doing so we can make them real. This is some heady theorizing, but deserves a decent look. So what are law of attraction relationships?

Theories abound about how we come to define things, and each other, but one thread remains clear through them all. This thread is the fact that things are defined in relation to other things. When we see the word hat, we have a mental image of a hat. What hat is any ones guess, but chances are the hat you are thinking of has a relationship with you. In fact, it must or it would remain unknowable by you.

Who we are as individuals is largely determined by what others think of us. We can be many different people in many different arenas. We call these facets of personality, but it is also an adjusting to any given environment. It is something we do all of the time, largely without conscious effort.

The word imagine here is a very important one. We often imagine that others we do know intimately are quite different from what they really are. And how often do you hear of one you know and wonder if the third party is making a mistake of identity? Now what would happen if you decided to consciously define those around you? What about yourself? Would you consciously define people by what they are in actuality, or would you opt for a better actuality?

Truth be told, most of us would choose to redefine others in wholly new relational terms to ourselves. This is human nature, to want more of the good, and to better all around us, including ourselves and out closest others. How, then, could one go about doing so? Perhaps the idea that we create reality can be put into practice here. Create the reality you want with others mentally, and it could become your new reality.

Of course, this is quiet an order. Do we have the self-knowledge and possession of sufficient wisdom to create a better relation with others? Do we even dare? Is this going a bit too far, or are we even, say, playing God? The debate will continue on, or so it seems, as it has been for centuries. But it is nice to think of what could be, indeed.

Even though the law of attraction relationships seems a bit like science fiction, and maybe a bit extreme for some folks, it is a fascinating subject. The possibilities of mind seem limitless to us now. Perhaps we can plumb those depths with will and purpose at some point. Reality would sure get interesting then.

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