How To Make Your Small Business Seem Larger To Your Customers
When it comes to running a successful small business there are definitely advantages to making your business look larger than it really is. Many of your potential prospects will feel more confident doing business with a larger sized company; if you’re a large business then you must be good, right? While I don’t always believe that sentiment to be true many of your prospects feel it is and so with that in mind here are several tips that will help you make your company look like a behemoth on the web.
#1 Set up your business as a Limited Liability Corporation. Doing so can make a very huge difference in how your prospects view your company. Whenever they see your company name on your website, email signatures or on any other of your communications you will be portraying your company as being larger than it really is.
#2 Hire a professional to create a good logo for your company. This tip alone will have an immediate impact on how large your company looks to the public.
#3 You’ll also want to make sure your website looks clean and easy to navigate. It’s also a very good idea to pack as much content you think your prospects will find useful. Just make sure to keep your navigation clean on the site and avoid uploading clutter of any kind to it. Your website says a lot about what type of business you are running so make sure to present yourself accordingly on it.
#4 It’s important to create content related to your industry and post it on article directories as often as you can. When you do you’ll not only begin receiving traffic back to your site from the people who read your articles but you’ll make your business look like a giant in your industry because your prospects will be bumping into you at multiple locations on the web.
#5 Outsource as much work as you can to other vendors. When you do you’ll instantly add clout to your business because your customers will notice faster service from you and will assume your company is larger than it is. Which is precisely the effect you’re going after.
#6 You’ll want to quit communicating with your prospects with free email accounts from Gmail and Hotmail or any other free email platform for that matter. Do you think most large companies use free email accounts to email their prospects and customers? Neither do your prospects. So call your hosting provider and get set up with an email address that uses your website url.
Making your small business seem like a large one is easy if you follow all the tips you just read. Now it’s up to you to begin implementing them and seeing them through so they begin producing bountiful returns for your business.
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