What’s Acai Juice All About Then

Acai berry juice is a very popular wellness drink made from the acai berry. It is now a famous “super drink’ and a controversial weight loss aid. So where does acai originate? What vitamins and minerals does it provide that classifies it as a “super food”?

Where does the acai berry grow? The acai berry tree is aboriginal to central America and found mainly in Brazil, Trinidad and Equador. It is in the flood plains of the Amazon River where the trees are discovered in exceptional amounts. The berries are collected bi-annually, with each tree providing up to twenty pounds of fruit each harvest. The intense marshy territory of the Amazon is the reason that the acai berry can’t make it to other nations of the world as a whole berry. The knock on effect is that, across the rest of the world, it is mostly available as a powder or a bottled juice.

Is acai a “super food”? So, is acai a “super food”? In regards to its antioxidant profile – without a doubt! Lots of studies have shown that the acai fruit has the highest antioxidant effect on free radicals than any other fruit or vegetable! Acai is saturated with natural anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants of the flavonoid family. This above-standard antioxidant status is what helps fend off life threatening conditions like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A study undertaken by Professor Stephen Talcott and reported in the 2006 Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry found that the antioxidants in acai juice killed human leukemia cells. Up to 86 percent of the leukemia cells came into contact with acai antioxidants self-destructed. So what else is in acai? The acai berry pulp harbours a surprising amount of plant sterols, fatty acids, and amino acids for a berry. And this boosts its role as a “super food”. The pulp only consists of about ten percent of the total berry, the other ninety percent is a large pit that lives at its center.

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