Easy Tips to Ensure the Success of your Professional Business Card
If you think business cards are merely a simple marketing campaign, think again. These cards serve as a reflection of your business, so they should be taken seriously. If your business card looks flimsy and unprofessional, people might get the impression that your business is the same.
When it comes to the contact details presented in the card, there are often questions that arise as to the amount of information to include. After all, no one wants a card that does not have enough information. The best answer is to include contact details that are significant to your business. For instance, if you run a home based business you need not include a physical address unless there is an important reason for it. Likewise, if you don’t use a fax machine then there is no need to incorporate that information in the card.
Another information increasingly becoming popular in business cards these days are social media profiles. If that is appropriate to your business, then include it in your card. But if not, there is no reason for you to clutter your card with information that will not help promote business. Keep in mind that there is only enough space in your card, so it should be used for the most important details.
Among the basic details that should be included in your card are your name, business name, a brief description of your offerings, and your contact number. Don’t forget your logo. This is important to your branding strategy. You can also include an email address and website, but that does not mean that every website you have should be included in your card.
Your website and email address. If you are to include an email address or website in your card, be sure to use your business’ domain. This will make you more professional if you use a company-sponsored domain.
White space on the card. It has been repeatedly said that there should be enough space on the card. A cluttered card will not only add to the professional look of your card, but also take away your credibility. In order to have a professional looking card, put enough space in your card as much as possible. White space is good for the eyes and provides a simpler, more readable design. Keep in mind that a business card is not a brochure, so you need to be very careful with the information you include in it.
Use both sides of the Card. There is simply not enough space in your business card templates to include enough information on what your business does and what you have to offer. This means that you need to make the most of the space available in your card. For instance, your business name may be vague or the tag line obscure. You can use the front and back side of your card to explain to your prospects your business. The front can be used to highlight your message and specialties without messing the card. In addition, you can use the back side as a marketing tool by printing a coupon or other information that would encourage your prospects to hang on to your card.
Business cards may be small and easily overlooked, but they can be very powerful. Following these tips will put your business on the right path to making the most of your investment.
More tips and information’s on how to make cheap but winning business cards can be found at online printing business cards.