Plastic surgery after weight loss surgery
Major weight loss surgery is brings amazing results for just about anyone, but dropping so many pounds so quickly can have some negative effects on the body. Loose skin is a common side effect of loosing over 50 pounds. People who undergo weight loss surgery often had no choice but to do so because of not being able to exercise due to their weight and them being at higher risks of health problems. However the increase in popularity for weight loss surgery means there is a definite increase in Los Angeles cosmetic surgery because plastic surgery is the only way to remove the saggy skin.
Patients of weigh loss surgery often experience saggy skin all over the body, and some undergo an entire full body lift in order to remove the excess skin and some excess fat as well. However this is an extensive procedure and one does not have to undergo a full body lift but can undergo different lift procedure of specific parts of the body at different times. Most patients aren’t entirely bothered with their full body, so they chose to undergo smaller Cosmetic surgery Los Angeles procedures at different times.
Most popular among these patients is the tummy tuck and Los Angeles Brachioplasty. A tummy tuck procedure will eliminate the excess skin and fat at the abdomen while tightening the abdomen muscles. This procedure provides contour and one can have a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck. Tummy tuck patients are most often satisfied with their results of a flatter smoother abdomen. If stretch marks do remain after the procedure they are generally very light and unnoticeable.
A brachioplasty otherwise known as an arm lift is the procedure in which the patient’s batwings are removed. Batwings is the nick name for the excess skin sagging below the arms. Although this procedure is desired by most weight loss surgery patients the common dissatisfaction with this procedure and the tummy tuck procedure is that their will be somewhat of a large scar. Los Angeles Cosmetic surgeons do their best at camouflaging the scar, but there is only so much that can be done, when there is such a large incision involved. A tummy tuck scar is hidden beneath the underwear line but an arm lift scar is simply below the arm. The scar does heal and become lighter after surgery but it heals different for everyone and there is no telling how light or not ones scar may get, and that is one of the risks with all plastic surgery.