Uninsured Cars to be Crushed Under New Government Proposals
It is an offence to drive an uninsured car and soon it will be illegal to keep a car that is uninsured to. Under new Government proposals uninsured new and <a href=” http://www.turnbullsyork.co.uk/used-cars”>used cars in York</a>and across the UK will be crushed whether they are been driven or not.
This does not apply to cars which have been declared off road, but is designed to discourage drivers from driving without insurance. It is estimated that about one million people drive uninsured in Britain, costing law abiding motorist an extra £30 a year ontheir insurance premium.
Owners will be issued with a £100 fine if the vehicle is not insured by a certain date and face their vehicle being seized and crushed if it is not subsequently insured.
Critics suggest that the new proposal will not deter those who deliberately drive without tax or insurance but will catch out the average motorists- ‘chancers’ who leave it a few months before renewing.
Records from the Motor Insurers’ Bureau and the Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) will be compared in order to catch offenders. But those who drive cars not registered in their name- ‘the motoring underclass’- will not be detected through this system and will only be caught if police pull them over.
The tough new motoring rules will not take into account those who are away for a period of time or in hospital when their insurance renewal is due.