Is A Cheap Satnav System Your Best Bet For Satellite Navigation?

There are many forms of inexpensive satnav equipment on the market the moment. Whether you are a novice or expert in this field then you will find the correct piece of kit for you. It may well be worthwhile asking yourself if you really need the features available on more top end systems of whether a cheap satnav will do the job you require. Most people do not require all the options available on more pricey satellite navigation systems, and can do without many of these bells and whistles. A cheap satnav will, however, need to provide you with at least an elemental set of functions.While you may not require notification of speed cameras or motorway roadworks, it is not acceptable even in a cheap satnav system, not to have the ability to lay the course to the users home location and it is extremely useful to have the ability to update the map to include roads which may have been built since the system was manufactured.

Some features which you will require on your satellite navigation system, whether it is a high-end GPS or a cheap satnav, are the ability to easily program a destination, the map for the entire area you may wish to use the navigation system in (whether that be the UK, Europe, or indeed worldwide), and one function which is often ignored, the ability to go into night mode, where the display of the satellite navigation system does not interfere with the drivers nightvision. There are many cheap satnav systems are available, many of which contain all the above features, although it would be remiss of me not to suggest you do some research before you purchase a satellite navigation system, be that a cheap satnav or a much more expensive system.

You can buy a cheap satnav at a variety of different outlets, both in the high street and on the Internet. It makes sense to compare prices not only between retailers but also to compare the prices of similar systems from different manufacturers- these encode garmin, tom-tom, Advent, and other independent brands. It is difficult, these days, to buy an actual bad satnav, but you can be surprised at the number of functions available for even the more reasonably priced models. Updatable maps, traffic notifications and speed camera warnings are only a few of the features available on even the cheapest systems. Certainly floor of the average domestic user a good system can be purchased for much less than ?100.
Satellite navigation is no longer the preserve of the well off or economic way wealthy. For the amount of money it costs to install a cheap satnav in your car or truck, you would only have to not be lost three of four times to make back the cost in time and fuel which you purchase of a cheap satnav system has saved you. If you later find a more expensive GPS navigation system is necessary then by all means buy one of them though a cheap satnav will do the job for 90% of people.

George Maxwell is a technology enthusiast and user, who shares his experiences at

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