Are low carb diets bad for men?

Are low carb diets bad for men?

Low carb diets have been under the microscope for a long time. Many different types of low carb diets have popped up over the years. Some you have heard of, and some you have not heard of. For example Atkins, Southbeach diet, Zone diet to name a few.
Now are low carb diets bad for men?. Once again it comes down to who you talk to. There have been many studies done and interviews with mixed results. Some say they are horrible and some say they are the greatest thing since slice bread, or since sliced meat depending on who your talking to. Ultimately I would look at both medical research, dietitian research and personal testimonies and pictures. Now for me I believe more in what I see compared to what I here. Now If what I see correlates and makes sense with what that person says then it becomes more believable. For instance if I am talking to a bodybuilder about diet and he is ripped and tells me he did it on a low carb diet then it becomes more real to me than a report. But everyone is different.
There are alot of diets on the internet that promise quick results and claim to be low carb. Now another answer to are low carb diets bad for men? I will say it all depends on what body type you are and if you are carb sensitive. Some people do well on carbohydrates others not so well. This has been proven with medical science on blood type, body type and metabolic rate. Many studies medically have been done to reflect this. Now what studies are legit and which ones are not. I will say after reading some studies and talking to people who have what body type I wanted I found that low carb is not bad for men. But again depends on the person and how their body reacts. I want you to check out a review of a recent study done by The New England Journal of Medicine on low carb compared to low fat and mediteranian diet. Its very interesting and offers good insight and great information and answers to are low carb diets bad for men? You can see it at

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