Instructions For How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones Easily
Tonsil stones are defined as deposits varying in size, usually small, found in the tonsil area. The deposits are lodged in tonsil tunnels, crevices and crypts. Now that we have determined what tonsil stones are we can now determine how to get rid of tonsil stones.
Appearance – Tonsil stones vary in size from very small to rather substantial. The stones have uneven texture with colors ranging from light to dark yellow. A very bad odor is frequently associated with the crushed stones. This may be attributed to the sulphur and methyl mercaptan content that closely resembles the gases leading to bad breath.
Causes – The stones are caused by a combination of mucous, bacteria and debris build-up which is derived from micro-orgasms, over-active saliva glands, dead white blood cells and food residue.
Prevention – Sadly, no sure-fire preventative measures for how to get rid of tonsil stones are available for stone development or occurrence. In terms of this medical conditions’ case, you will have to make due with the few treatments that are currently available. But good oral hygiene should be considered your number one way of prevention as bacteria, mucous and debris can be washed away with regular brushing, flossing and gargling.
Symptoms – There are no real visible symptoms with the condition as a result of the very small size of the stones usually hidden in crypts and crevasses of the tonsils. The only time that the condition becomes truly visible is when the stone size significantly increases. CT’s and X-rays are often employed to spot these little pests that results in symptoms such as a foul taste in your mouth, bad breath, painful throat, white debris, swallowing problems, tonsil swelling and back throat irritation.
Self-medication – Self-medication in the form of natural remedies are highly recommended for treating the often humiliating condition. Use your clean finger, toothpick, toothbrush or an ear bud to dislodge the stone manually. Medicine droppers are wonderful for stone sucking instead of poking. These methods are easily employed when you do not have sensitive gag reflexes.
The stones may also be removed with mechanical removal methods such as pressurized dental irrigation also known as water piking or by merely gargling regularly with a strong saltwater solution. Water is utilized in both cases to dislodge and remove the deposits. Sadly, these methods are only a temporary cure for a long term problem. Your physician or dentist may also recommend a course of antibiotics to target the tonsils itself instead of the possible roots of the problem.
Surgical removal – Surgery is a very intrusive method of removing the stones by performing a tonsillectomy on the patient. But the surgery becomes very risky for patients that belong to an older age group. It is vital to remember that tonsil removal will not cure bad breath as it is primarily bacteria in your mouth that results in bad breath. The stones only contribute to the breath problem.
Medical advice – It’s essential to seek medical attention should the stones worsen or cause any pain or discomfort. Although not life threatening, stones can result in a painful throat, blistering, interference with swallowing as well as halitosis.
If you want to get some information on how to get rid of tonsil stones naturally and quickly, then please visit my site by clicking on this link: banish tonsil stones review