Grab tips how to hire musicians
Back in “the day”, you had to have a physical building and separate recording studio all housing your very real record label in order to have product to sell. You would hire musicians to come into the studio to record real songs that were chosen by a real Artist and Repertoire man whose sole purpose in life was to match a song to an artist.
You would then take that finished product and have literally hundreds of thousands of them pressed and shrink wrapped at a manufacturing plant and they would be shipped off to countless retail locations for sale and to the appropriate radio stations along with some payola to get some airplay to generate sales to repay the huge outlay of cash behind that release. In the interim you had more projects going that were doing the same things. It was an actual production line of hire musicians that followed that path.
Every once in a while an artist sold well and it made up for the money that was lost on the ones that didn’t and people were happy. A lot of pollution was generated and trees were lost in the name of hire musicians. Enter the age of the virtual Record Label. Today record labels still can function much the same way but the exception is that with the technology level where it is, you still do the recording but you can actually make the product AFTER it sells. So there are not huge stockpiles out there to clutter up the bargain bins and cut out racks and less of an ecological impact is felt, which a great thing is.
The promo copies of the songs going to the radio stations can now be emailed as a digital file so that the release can be live on the air only seconds after it is complete and ready to go to the buying public. What once took an office building full of people to generate the business of hire musicians, can now be managed in a small room the size of a modest bedroom. That can cut the money needed in order to show a profit phenomenally so that instead of having to sell hundreds of thousands of CDs to break even, it can often be done on as little as a few thousand. As one of the singing poets of the sixties, Bob Dylan once said, “the times, they are a changing’.”
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