Cure Chronic Prostatitis – A Major Problem within the Western Medical Profession

26 years and numerous Urology Specialists later, I am now a lot smarter about the common and unpleasant issue of Chronic Prostatitis. For that whole period of time, visit after visit to a Specialist was made up of of a painful EPS and a prescription for antibiotics… That is it, and in hindsight, being the classic, non-questioning patient did me a lot more harm than good.

When I got the opportunity to see another whole side of the treatment equation, I was shocked to realise that absolutely none of this “new” language had ever been communicated before to me by the medical establishment. I now realise that the reason is that few Doctors actually know anything about curing chronic prostatitis, its cause, and indeed treatment apart from the compulsory oral antibiotics.

My many Specialist Doctor consultations over the years have included wildly varying diagnoses based more on guesswork than exhaustive, commonsense tests. And the prescription panacea always defaults to repeat oral antibiotics, with the Doctor’s usual last words being “this is something you’ll just have to live with” or “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you”

The real catastrophe while this is happening is that Prostatitis inevitably worsens, and along with that the life quality of the now chronic Prostatitis sufferer declines. As the years pass, ever increasing levels of torment, depression and monetary hardship creep in. The sufferer typically becomes despairing at this stage and chases ever more radical treatment regimes with wildly varying moods of hope and despair.

All the while something more adverse is happening… the sufferer’s immune system is being slowly ruined by the recurrent infections and the repeated use of antibiotics. The pathogens causing the Prostatitis mutate with each antibiotics course and become stronger. As they become more powerful and as each antibiotic, one by one, becomes useless, the sufferer’s general condition worsens, and so the hopes of a cure becomes more remote every day.

Traditional Prostatitis care techniques in Western countries do not work. Period. And it seems that nothing is being done to replace this terrible state of affairs. Men with Prostatitis and women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease have been placed in the “too hard basket” in the Western medical industry. Yet, there are individual Doctors scattered around the world who are working outside the box with techniques that make sense, and some of which achieve remarkable results. Visit one of the leading practitioners at and read about their work. It is very logical and sensible, but do not hold your breath for the Western Medical sector to copy it any time soon.

After 26 years of depleted time and money in the Western Medical system, I have pursued a cure for Chronic Prostatitis outside Western countries and in the course of action I have found that cure, and I want you to recognize that it’s available to you too. Visit where you can end the misery of chronic prostatitis.

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