World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

It is difficult to review The Burning Crusade. Second, the review function as buyer’s guide completely wiped out because all who are interested already bought their copies,wow gold and secondly, it is difficult to write a review because every time in the Word is a wasted moment in the Outlands.

Hi, my name is Sofia and is an incurable WoWoholic just injucerat the even heavier drug The Burning Crusade. Bye, hope, goodbye all other games 2007th It is undeniable that it feels, even though we just got into February and even though The Burning Crusade is not even been out for a month so it feels right now completely alien to any other game pushes down the burning crusade from the throne. For the old World of Warcraft is blended ugly jack is The Burning Crusade, more of a game came in its purest form. Everything is so beautiful, well-planned and attractive. Where old WoW could bid on routine matters Hinterland or Dustwallow Marsh, there’s not a bad moment in The Burning Crusade. Take instances, for example, who have not sworn to a guaranteed place in hell for rounds in Uldaman and Gnomeregan (unconfirmed sources say that it is precisely those places which is hell)? In The Burning Crusade instances are short, intense and full of boss fights where you sometimes have to think carefully. Mana Tombs, Underbog, or Hellfire Citadel Ramparts are any caves you with the right team can be harvested in less than an hour. In other words, an end to the fragmented groups of ten minutes from the final boss because the main tank mother calls that he had to eat dinner.

The new races, Blood Elf and Draenei are also terribly well made, not to mention their off areas or capitals. When playing The Burning Crusade, it’s very clear that Blizzard this time had two classes and a continent to develop, instead of eight classes and two whole worlds. Nothing has been lost or thrown together in the quarter, it is a millimeter of perfection in every stitch and contributes to, if possible, even more vivid world than before.

That was in advance a lot of sad faces on that subject has been gained after several hundred hours of the raid would be replaced at level 61 of a green quest reward, but really so bad, it is not. Gadgets from Zul Gurub or Molten Core replaced quite early, but the stuff from Blackwing Lair, AQ40 and Naxxramas works really well even at level 65 and up. It feels like a rather nice reward if you consider the time spent to get them.

With regard to PvP Blizzard has put a lot of effort into the active PvP: ing, the regions have different PvP events and it can benefit their own faction law properly in terms of having the towers on their side. In Terokkar Forest, you can include both do more damage and get 5% more experience points during a certain number of hours if your faction has taken over the towers. And given the several hundred thousand points you need for each level is a five percent increase is always welcome. Otherwise it feels like the PvP element has not really taken off. The majority of the players are still struggling to reach 70, get a flying mount and power to the more difficult raid instances.

The fabled road between 60 and 70 has been balanced well, it takes a while to be level 70 but it is not as lengthy as there were possible. Mission leaves plenty of experience points and making bodies is also not a bad method if you want a lot of points. Or money for that matter. Halfway to 70, I have already 800 gold and then I started to almost nil.

No other game has had such high expectations for themselves as The Burning Crusade, and even if the game’s full potential will only become apparent after several months of raids of this is that in the current situation no doubt about which game I will play mostly in 2007, or as I himself in the end probably will convene this year’s game. The Burning Crusade has taken the best elements of World of Warcraft and honed them to perfection. I’m speechless right now and know that the only reason I might stop playing will be that I want to get out of dependency, not that I tire of the game. For it will probably be quite impossible in view of all the Outlands, Draenei and Blood Elf has to offer.

The Burning Crusade is not even a game. It is an expansion built on the gameplay elements that really is pretty bad – mission is to kill ten badgers and then 100 fighters in the game after ten axes. But for some reason it does not matter anyway. For some reason I stopped playing Zelda: Twilight Princess, and for some reason I have not even tried wow gold, which came in the mail a few weeks ago. And for some reason, I need not hesitate a single second before I give The Burning Crusade Game Players highest rating.

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