How To Lose Weight with Hypnosis Successfully!

Losing weight with hypnosis has been proven to be the best, easiest and absolutely the healthiest and safest while the most relaxing and least expensive way to lose weight permanently. When you understand hypnosis and know what to expect and know what to do, you can be successful in losing all the weight you want and need to lose, even if you don’t believe it will work, it will work anyway. Hypnosis works if you want it to work. Anyone can be hypnotized if they want to be. You will lose weight if you do desire to lose weight. The only thing that can keep you from being hypnotized is you, yourself. I have people tell me all the time, “I don’t think I can be hypnotized.” They are usually my best clients. They are usually people that have had some misconceptions about hypnosis and may have tried it but nothing magically happened so they gave it up too soon. They really want it to work but just didn’t know how. I have hypnotized people for over 19 yrs, with exceptional success.
There are some basic facts about hypnosis you must realize to be a good subject. When you are hypnotized by someone with expertise, you will simply sit back and relax, close your eyes and listen to the hypnotherapist’s voice to guide you. You can’t do anything wrong, nothing can go wrong. There are no dangers in this type of hypnosis. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You are always in control. You will never do or say anything against your will, desires, beliefs or morals, regardless of what some people think. It is like a mind exercise or a mind game. You do not lose control of your mind and you are always in control. You do not lose your hearing or any of your senses. Your senses actually become keener and you become more aware, not less. You will always hear me or whoever your hypnotherapist may be, whether you think you do or not. You do all the work and all the work is in your mind. You don’t have to say anything or do any thing, but you do have to participate.
To participate simply means you think ABOUT what is being said and imagine it in your mind, following directions, imagining what is being said.. For example, when you are told to close your eyes and take a deep breath, you do so. If you open your eyes because you want to see if you can, you can, anytime! You are in complete control. If you don’t take a deep breath, it’s because you are simply not participating because you don’t want to or you want to see if the hypnotherapist can make you or you’re thinking about something else and not even paying attention. Hypnosis is not subliminal messages, while you just sit there and listen to the words and hope something will happen while you recap the events of your day. A good hypnotherapist is using their expertise to guide you in your mind, giving you directions, suggestions and reprogramming your desires and beliefs. You simply don’t have to follow every suggestion if you’re not comfortable with any part of it. For example, if you really don’t have a desire to give up chocolate completely but would like to eat much less of it, then you will. That is one common suggestion not everyone will accept, meaning, they don’t believe chocolate is a food that causes them to gain weight if they eat it sparingly so they just don’t want to eat very much of it as one may really enjoy a little chocolate now and then but not to the point of being any problem with their weight. That may take a chocoholic to having chocolate only on occasion, while eating only a very small amount of when they do eat it.
There isn’t any feeling of being hypnotized. You will not feel hypnotized. The only thing you will feel is kind of relaxed to very very relaxed. Some feel only slightly relaxed and listen to every word and remember it all while others become so very relaxed, they snore but no one will go to sleep unless you’re home in bed for the night and tired anyway when you turn on your cd. It may feel like sleep sometimes but it is not sleep. All the work is in your mind so you do have to participate and to participate, you think about what the hypnotherapist is saying. It is simply a guided meditation and incredibly powerful. You are hypnotized whether you are only in a light trance or even feel as if you were asleep as long as you open your eyes within 10 minutes after you are told to do so.
With Hypnosis, you WILL reach your desired shape and figure if you want to. It may be easier for some than others but anyone and everyone can reach their desired size, even if they have to listen to their hypnosis CD for reinforcemnt everyday for the next 28 days. You will lose all the weight you want and need to lose, without the stress and mental battles of cravings, urges, over eating, stuffing yourself as you do when dieting. It is not a diet so you will not put the weight back on! You simply don’t feel as hungry, while you’ll crave the more nutritious, lower calorie, healthier foods. You will not desire the rich, fattening, greasy, high calorie, sweets, junk food and foods that are not good for you. You will not snack or eat between meals or late at night. You will eat what your body needs and when you are satisfied, you are completely satisfied. You will not lose weight so fast it could harm your health. You will focus on your desired shape and size and reach that desired size easily and without stress and maintain that size for as long as you want. You will desire to drink more water and be satisfied from one meal to the next.
You’ll lose weight without trying! Your eating habits can change drastically, immediately or it may be gradually over time. Some people can be hypnotized one time and their eating habits change forever and others need a lot of reinforcement of being hypnotized as various things come into play. It may be there belief system or great stress in their daily life or simply re-hypnotizing themselves, constantly telling their self something like, ‘I’m so fat. I can’t lose weight.’ However, with the constant reinforcement, that does change. The bathroom scales are another form of hypnosis, which works against you when you are trying to lose weight. I strongly recommend staying off the scales and focus only on your desired shape and size and how your clothing is fitting and not on pounds. I’ve known many people that have lost weight with hypnosis when they couldn’t lose it any other way and they keep it off. I too, was one of these people. I struggled with diets for so many years trying to lose weight and keep it off but as soon as I went off the diet, the weight came back on and then some. The mental anguish of my weight going up and down and never knowing what size I’d be wearing next month kept me in somewhat of a state of depression and frustration. My favorite and most common breakfast was a bag of potato chips and a Pepsi on the way to work, topped off with a handful of M&M’s. I was hypnotized about 20 years ago and have not been on any kind of diet since. I also have not had a single soda since and I do not care for chocolate at all. I still have a hard time comprehending what a chocoholic I once was. I eat what I want and never worry about my size or weight. I do have a desire for good, healthy, nutritious foods, especially vegetables (which I never cared for before). I’m a 5 ft 4 in, 55 yr old woman, about 120 lbs and I say about 120 lbs because I don’t know what I really weigh because I don’t own a scale or would want one. I only focus on my desired shape and size and I maintain it. You can reach your desired weight and figure with hypnosis easier than any other way.

You use your sub-conscious mind, now more commonly known as the higher self, higher consciousness or super-consciousness. It never rests anymore than the heart does. This is where all your power lies. You will learn to harness that power within with a guided meditation and that is all it is, a guided meditation and very powerful. It is best to have your hypnosis on a cd, ipod, phone or whatever so you can listen to it for 28 days, as reinforcement. Some experts say you need to listen to the hypnosis cd for 28 days to change your habits for a lifetime, which I have found that to be true over the years. Most people continue to listen to their hypnosis audio for many reasons as there are so many advantages to continue listening to your hypnosis whether it is for weight loss or other. When you are hypnotized, it is a mind exercise and you will soon find your memory improves. Your stress level will go down; you’ll sleep better and feel happier and healthier all the time. You will feel a new and vital energy that flows through your body and mind each day you awaken from a good night’s rest with a more positive attitude. You will be more motivated than ever to exercise, to take the time to be active each day. Well, in my hypnosis anyway, you will benefit all of these things, while losing weight. Good hypnotherapy will always leave you feeling good, no matter what you’re hypnotized for. Hypnosis is incredibly powerful and safe.

Cheryl J Savage, (C.J.) Certified Hypnotherapist, 19+ yrs., Motivational and Inspirational Speaker, past Mental Health Specialist for the State of Illinois, resigned to open her own hypnosis clinics, offers her expertise in helping people to lose weight, stop smoking and healing of health problems with exceptional success while she travels nearly anywhere hypnotizing groups of people for companies, colleges, organizations, etc. People become happier, healthier and live life more abundantly when hypnotized by C.J. Savage. She has been known to help people lose weight when they couldn’t lose any other way and heal themselves of cancer and other health problems when their doctor couldn’t help them is now offering for a limited time, for only $9.99, “Lose Weight with Hypnosis by C.J. Savage” at
And listen to her FREE LIVE internet radio program at BlogTalkRadio on The Power Of The Super Conscious Mind and see more of what C.J. Savage offers at

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