Deliver Marketing Message through Exceptional Postcards

When used appropriately, no other marketing material can measure up to the marketing power of postcards. They make your target customers aware of your business and product or service, and motivate them to take action.

Maybe you are asking now, aren’t postcard a little old-fashioned compared to a flashy new website? Maybe. But direct mail marketing has come full circle these days. An old-fashioned marketing medium such as postcards, which might have been regarded as out-of-date in the past years, is now a state-of-the-art medium.

So, what makes postcards an effective marketing tool? One good reason is that these cards can’t be deleted. Think of it this way. How many junk emails do you receive every day? Do you actually read them all? If you are like others, you probably hit the delete key before you read the message. With post cards, you can be sure that your message will be seen and read by your target customers.

Another reason post cards work is because they are exceedingly visual. With many people likely too busy to read a lot of words, your postcard you can communicate your message in an instant.

Here are ways to deliver your marketing message through postcard:

1. Use great images and graphics. A picture tells a thousand words. With the right picture, you can be sure your message is communicated in the best way. If possible, put the picture in front of the card to add up to its compelling looks.

2. Interchange the contents of the front and back side. Conventionally, the photo and headline is put in front and the back side contains the sales pitch, stamp, and address. You can consider trading off the contents of the two sides. For instance, you can put both your photo and headline at the back together with the address. The reason here is postal carriers look at the address when delivering mail, so the tendency is to place the mail facing up. This means your target customers will see the back side first.

3. Present a question. One good way to get your target customers to turn your card from the front to the back is to present a question in front, then provide the answer at the back. Be sure to present an enticing question that people will want to know the answer and in return read through the other side.

4. Use your card as an invitation. Most post cards don’t try to sell to target customers straight from the card. Instead, they encourage them to take the next step. Why not try using your card as a formal and personal invitation. If you have an upcoming event or seminar, invite your prospects to it. This will be a great way to make the next step, which is to make your sales pitch.

5. Present product differences. If you want to compare your product or service against your competition, consider using a parameter to highlight that your product or service tops the competition. You could integrate this in the overall design of your postcard printing.

6. Don’t hold back on the paper used. When it comes to your cards, the paper used is as important as the design itself. If you use flimsy and low quality paper, people will look at you in the same way—a flimsy and poor quality business. Make sure that the paper you use is thick and heavy. You can try using a gloss or matte finish on the paper to create a credible and professional look on your card.

Additional tips and guides about reliable printing services can be found at online printing postcards.

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