A Cardio Exercise Routine To Burn Belly Fat Faster
Today I am going to be talking about ?a cardio exercise routine that will blow away your old, hour long treadmill marathons. ?If you are a results driven person, and I believe most of you are, then this single cardio exercise routine may be something you’ll want to try out. ?Recent studies have uncovered some shocking results that show this cardio method can literally smoke conventional hour long cardio sessions.
What is this mystery cardio exercise routine?
It’s really not a mystery or some secret method discovered by reclusive monks living in the nearly inhabitable mountain peaks of Tibet. ?It’s known simply as HIIT, or high intensity interval training. ?What if I were to tell you that you could cram a normal hour-long cardio session on the treadmill or elliptical into a 10-20 minute cardio session that gave you even better results. ?Is that something you might be interested in?
What exactly is HIIT?
As I mentioned before, HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. ?The basis of HIIT is to work extremely hard for a short period of time and then proactively recover for a short period of time. ?In terms of exercise, this would mean you sprint your hardest for 30-40 seconds and then lightly jog or walk for around a minute. ?Normally you would repeat this process 6-8 times consecutively ?and then have a short cool down period to finish up.
Are There Any Disadvantages of Using HIIT?
If you consider not being able to perform HIIT everyday as a setback, then yes. ?After performing a HIIT session, it is recommended that you give your body plenty of rest to recuperate from the stress you put it under. ?A normal HIIT session may last only 20 minutes, but you’ll be putting in extreme effort by sprinting as hard as you can for short periods of time. ?This will put enormous stress on your body. ?So you’ll have to rest usually for a couple days after performing this powerful cardio exercise routine. ?The whole point of HIIT is to get more results from less work. ?So it is hard to necessarily consider this a disadvantage.
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