Beginner’s list on what to put in brochures

So you are a beginner in brochure printing. It is probably safe to say that you don’t know what to put exactly into your brochures? Well, don’t worry, because help is on the way. Below you will see a beginner’s list of what you need to put into your brochure templates. With all these elements inserted into your brochure printing drafts, you will have a great and workable color brochure for you to design and eventually use. So remember them and integrate them into your designs.

1. Cover image signaller – The first thing on our list of brochure elements is the cover image “signaller”. We call this a signaller, because it is not just your typical image or photograph. A color brochure must have an image that can signal for attention amidst other distractions. This is what makes a good custom brochure better than the others.

A signaller cover image usually has some weird, unusual and eye catching element about it that people do not typically see all the time. That is why it can signal for attention. This can be an awe striking image, or a typical image or logo composed in a creative or strange way. So for your custom brochures, you should try to get or compose a good cover image signaller. This will be important if you want readers to notice your brochures.

2. Title headline – The next element that a color brochure must have is a title headline. A headline or title is the initial thing that people judge about the content of the color brochure. It must be short but effective at communicating what the color brochures it about and why it should be interesting for readers. You can consider it a newspaper headline in some way, only it describes what a reader expects inside a brochure.

The typical rule in composing your title headline is to make it as short as possible with shortened words and a concisely constructed sentence or title line. It is good to use some powerful words like “Love”, “Discover” or “Free” which almost always gets people’s attention. If you can’t handle writing a good headline, I recommend that you get a professional to do it for you so that you can be sure it turns out okay for your color brochures.

3. Introduction section – Next, we have the introduction section. Immediately after the cover image and the title headline, you will want an introduction section at the first or the second panel of your custom brochures. This introduction should tell readers what they should expect from the brochures and why it will matter to them. It is important that you compose the introduction good so that you keep readers interested in reading the brochures.

4. Information section – Afterward, we have the information section. This section is basically where your meat is when it comes to brochure printing. All the important information that you want to communicate to your reader should be here. It is best to try to list down items or chunk this content into categories so that readers can easily understand and “digest” the information in this section. Remember to write as concisely as possible so that the readers do not get bored reading your color brochures.

5. Reader benefit section – Also, we have the reader benefit section. In this section you will remind your readers once again of the benefit they gained from knowing the information you just presented in the information section. You might have touched on it in the introduction, but it is here where you explain all the major benefits they gain (or they CAN gain) by understanding and remembering what you said in the information section. This is an important section because this is where readers start to really see if their time reading your brochures is worth it. So make sure you compose it well.

6. Call to action element – Before you let your readers go though, you should also place in a call to action element in your custom brochures. This invitation to act on the information gained from the color brochure is important because it is where you can really encourage readers to do what you want them to do (understand something or buy your products). Anything from a “buy now” to a more creative “hurry limited stocks only!” should be okay. As long as there is that invitation to do something, your brochures will be effective with its readers.

7. Contact information section – Finally, it is only logical that you also put in a contact information section in your brochure printing. In this way, readers can contact you or your company or project about what they read. Moreover, this adds credibility and authority to your brochures since people will know that there is indeed a competent and professional mind behind your brochures.

Good! Now you know what you should put into your color brochures.

This article aims to provide the reader comprehensive ideas about brochure printing.

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