Design Choices to Creating the Best Business Card for your Business

If this is the first time for you to create your own business card you might be overwhelmed with the elements and factors that comes with the design process. But you need not feel this way. There may be a lot to consider, but there is only a handful that you need to think of. This includes the following:

• What to include in the card.
Business cards only have a limited space to present your contact details. So, what should stay and what should go in your cards? At a minimum, your name, business name, phone number, and email should be included in your card. Additional features can include your logo and web site address.

When placing your information in the card, there are some considerations to think about, which includes:

•    Don’t put your text over images as this will make the text unreadable

•    Choose simple images

•    As much as possible, avoid italics or underlines

•    Use only clear and readable fonts such as Times New Roman

•    Put enough space between each lines so your text remain readable

• Avoid style faux pas. Style taboos in business card design include the following:

•    Creating cheap cards – invest money in your business card. You should not be scared to invest in something that will make a good impression for your business. Hire a good printer that will help you create an impressive business card.

•    Using unoriginal design – Even if you are on a limited budget, avoid using business card templates as much as possible as templates are less memorable and less effective. Be sure to create your own design that will best showcase your business.

•   Creating invaluable cards – when people stop to look at your card, that’s the time you can be sure that you have created valuable business cards. The easiest and quickest way to do this is to do something really unique. However, this will work if you only want people to notice you, but if you want engagement and follow up, then you need to follow a set of rules:

•    Don’t coat your card
– often, people want a card that they can write on. Don’t laminate your card to make it easier for your prospects to take notes on your meeting to help them remember you.

•    Don’t stuff too much information in the card – when people want to get more space, what they do is get cards that fold out. Sometimes it is much better to get a card that is simple. This way you can send out your message and contact details much clearly and easily.

Alternatives to business card design

The digital age is here. Rolodex cards and environment unfriendly business cards are likely to fade away. Today, when you are starting a business, a website and an email address are already a requisite. There are other options you can include in your card:

•    Make a stamp – although this is not a modern option, it is environmental friendly. Making a stamp with the information that you would include in your card lets you to separate yourself from other businesses. This will surely catch the attention of your target customers as it shows them that you practice what you preach.

•    Create an online card – there are websites that lets you make a professional online business card. It can be put in a single link and when your target customers visit your site, they can see other information about you such as your skill and experience or the social networks you are on.

More tips and information’s on how to make cheap but winning business cards can be found at online printing business cards.

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