Setting up a new business

Buying goods over the internet has become a way of life; people can now sit at home and do everything with just a click of a button. There’s always new technology coming out which is making people even lazier, but at the same time help those who work 9-5 and are too tired to go out for anything.

If my internet stops working, I feel as though my life has stopped working too. I do everything online, my banking; buying clothes, grocery shopping and any other shopping there is to do. I’m also constantly on the social networking websites, it’s a way of keeping in touch with distant relatives as well as long lost friends.

As much as I love my internet, I absolutely love going out with my friends and meeting new people. Sitting in front of a computer screen does get boring, it’s also very lonely. I’m very much a peoples person, I enjoy being around friends and family and couldn’t imagine life without them.

Recently I’ve been interested to find out how these online shopping websites work, as I’m thinking of starting an online business. If I was to go ahead with the idea then I would sell clothes and jewellery as looking good is the first priority in people’s lives.

I started my research with what I would need to set up the business, I would have to buy the website address, buy the online shop software, design the website and find someone who will set up the online shop for me. It’s a long and hard process but I think I just might give it a go.

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