Opt For Used Textbooks To Save On Your College Expenses
Buying used textbooks is an excellent way to save a hefty sum on your annual college budget. For students who are just entering college, buying textbooks is usually a tough experience, because the prescribed author and editions are generally hard to find. The fact that hundreds of other students are also chasing the same edition at the same time makes the task even tougher.
Little or no competition drives the pricing policy of these editions. Usually in-house departments of the university or third party publishing establishments specialize in the printing and distribution of college books. They do not sell on their websites; instead rely on online retailers and university bookstores in this regard. In many instances, a royalty payment to be made to the author, who is usually an undisputed authority on the subject, also affects the prices.
Campus bookstores are the ideal places to find used textbooks at really cheap prices. The disadvantage however is that the stocks run short because of the simultaneous demand for the same edition. It will certainly help if you plan early so that you can get the desired edition in a good, readable condition. Always ensure that all the pages are intact and that any supplementary workbooks or other related materials approved by the college are easily available at the same outlet.
Trusted online retailers are another great source for ordering used textbooks. This is one place where you can be assured of discount pricing, as most of the online dealers sell at less than the printed price. One should carefully mark the correct edition number, publisher, and author in the ordering list. In addition to this, one must ensure that used books are ordered well in advance so that they arrive before your semester begins. A major disadvantage though is that the used version may not contain updated information or the latest problem sets, which can be quite an inconvenience.
College students will do well to understand the nuances of buying and selling used textbooks, as it can make a huge difference to the amount of money they spend on textbooks every year.