Staffing Agencies- the Way to Beat the Recession
Times are tough right now. Millions of people are unemployed. Tens of thousands of kids don’t have a healthy diet due to lack of money. Thousands of homes are foreclosed on every month.
Luckily, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for anyone willing to accept some help. Its called staffing agencies.
Also known as temp agencies, these are companies that specialize in getting people hired. Maybe its for a temporary job, or maybe it’s a temp to hire (meaning they might hire you if you do well).
Either way, staffing agencies are experts that can get you hired into a good job to pay your rent and keep food on the table.
The funny thing is, some of these temp agencies have earned a bad rap over the years. The ones that aren’t very good often deliver poor candidates to the companies they’re working with. This leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth!
These days though, many more people and companies are turning to staffing agencies. Companies like to use them to filter through thousands of unqualified applicants. If the staffing company doesn’t do it then the company has to pay their own employee to do it- not fun!
After examining the open positions and interviewing candidates, the staffing agency then places someone into the position they think will work best. After a few days the company decides if they want to keep the person or try someone else.
The key is that once you get into the position, work your tail off! Really impress your boss if you want to stay. If you don’t like the job, just try to find something else. But for many people, they’re willing to do just about anything (that’s legal anyways) to put some food on the table and a roof over their head.
And again, don’t think that temp agencies are only for the lowly peons that have no experience, skills, or education. People with masters degrees and years of experience will often work with staffing companies to help them find a job- especially in these hard times.
So how do these companies make their money? Once they place a solid candidate who stays with the company, they collect a small part off the top. In other words, if the company is paying $25/hour for your time, you might get $16 of that.
Oh well, $16/hour is better than nothing, right?
For some of the best companies, try Brooklyn Staffing Agencies or Washington DC Temp Agencies. Both have tons of great service!