4 Awesome Golfing Tips To Improve Your Long Game!
Here are 4 great tips to help improve your golfing long game:
1) Rock-Solid Right Knee.
On the back-swing, it’s crucial to keep weight on the inside of the right foot, and maintain a slight bend in the knee. Failure to do this can mean poor contact and a loss of power. As you take the club back, imagine that the right knee is braced and solid like a wall. This helps your upper body coil behind the ball, so you can make an aggressive move through it – and really send it flying!
2) Hit Far with the Ball Forward.
Your position over the ball should vary according to the club you’re using. For instance, the ball should be in the middle of your stance with the shorter irons (7, 8, 9, PW). As the loft of the club decreases, the ball should be incrementally farther toward the front foot, until it’s just inside the left heel when hitting the woods. Also, remember that if you want to purposely hit lower shots, the ball should be back in the stance. For higher shots, it should be forward.
3) Pause at the Top.
Swinging too quickly is a common mistake. I’m not saying you shouldn’t swing with power and acceleration – but rather, that you need to maintain a rhythm. The best way to accomplish this is to imagine a slight pause at the top of your back-swing before changing direction and beginning the downswing. Do this and you’ll find your ball in the middle of the fairway more often!
4) Muscle It!
Golf isn’t a wrist game. To achieve a powerful swing, you need to employ the big muscles of the legs and trunk. The common instinct of many amateurs is to hit at the ball with only the arms and wrists. Every once in a while this may connect, but for real consistency and power, use the whole body, not just part of it. Muscle it!
Looking to improve your golfing game further? Why not try using the Bushnell Tour V2 golf laser rangefinder. Another top quality golf laser rangefinder to check out is the Leupold GX-1 rangefinder. Click on the links to find out more!