Using Baking Soda for Acne Treatment
As I’m looking for acne treatments online, I realize that more than 50 million people are affected with acne each year. Did you know this? There are several things I am referring to when I speak of acne. I mean whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, nodules, papules, and more. Not to mention, sometimes they get so bad, that they leave scars on your face that cocoa butter can’t even get rid of. This is what I have experienced so far. I have tried so many treatments and acne products on the market, that it’s just plain ridiculous.
Are there any acne treatments that work? I mean is there a product on the market that actually does what it says for acne? Yes there is, and you’ll be surprised to know that you already use it. Baking soda is the answer! believe it or not, it will open your pores. All you need to do is combine it witha little water and watch it exfoliate your skin. Although most people cook and clean with baking soda, it manages to balance the PH levels of the skin.
You apply it as a paste after you have washed and cleaned your face really well. After you have rubbed it in for about 25 seconds and left it on for about 30 minutes, you then rinse your skin thoroughly. There are really no side effects except the feeling of gritty residue on your skin, but other than that, there’s not much to worry about. Not only does it clear the skin, but it also reduces the visibility of redness and scars.
It doesn’t really have any harsh chemicals, but for individuals with sensitive skin, you may experience burning and a little redness. In this case, you should not use it everyday. Never allow it to sit too long because it can cause the skin to dry out. Some studies even show that baking soda can reduce wrinkles. One thing I do know is that it is an inexpensive acne treatment.
By doing this at least three times a week, I have much clearer skin. Acne can be caused by a number of reasons including oily skin,environmental changes, hormones, etc. Regardless of your skin condition, baking soda can help you have more days of clear skin. If it works for me, I’m sure it will work for you!
For more information about acne treatments, you can visit this website to discover an acne treatment that works naturally and that gives permanent results.