8 Things To Do To Improve Every Area of Your Life
If you haven’t heard about the “Law of Attraction”, you need to do some research on this phenomenal Universal Law that we live by. This “Law of Attraction” is immutable, meaning, not capable of changing. It is working all the time just as the Law of Gravity does. The Law of Attraction is working no matter what, without changing, but YOU CAN CHANGE. If you want to make some changes in your life, you have to start with making those changes, WITHIN. Now you’re asking, but how? It all starts in your own mind.
I’ve studied the mind and it’s phenomenal power most of my life, have been a certified hypnotherapist for over 19 years, resigned as a Mental Health Specialist and intensely study the mind for the past 11 years. One thing I do know and realize is that anyone that wants to make a change, has to start with the physical mind. This is the thinking you do while making decisions, what to wear, what to do, where to go, who to gossip about, talk to your friends about all the horrible things going on in this world until everyone in the conversation feels depressed enough to lose any enthusiasm they may have had for a glimmer of hope to improve their life at all in any way and so you just sit on the sofa, drink a beer or take a sleeping pill to try to forget just how awful your life really is and work on thinking of more things to whine and complain about. I was really on a roll there but if you do this in any way, shape of form, consider yourself one big human crap magnet.
We are all energy, like magnets always creating, producing negative or positive energy and it goes out into the universe and attracts like energy, unwavering, always working for us. The Law of Attraction doesn’t know the difference in what you should or shouldn’t be attracting to you but it is ALWAYS working for you. The physical mind has what we call a critical factor which is always arguing with you and if you don’t have any control over this level of consciousness, your mind will be filled with junk thoughts, randomly filling your mind with negative, bad or wrong thoughts, past negative events, negative experiences or negative thoughts of what could happen or might happen but probably won’t and continually attracting to you, negative junk in your life you don’t need or want. All the while you think you can allow this type of thinking to dominate your mind, it creates negative feelings, lowering your vibration. If you continue to think and feel the negative feelings long enough, negative emotions set in and stay for as long as you allow the negative thoughts to flow into your physical mind. If you don’t understand this yet, let me explain it as simply as I can here. When you get mad, angry, hateful, depressed, scared or feel and speak any negative, bad or wrong feelings, you are literally creating negative energy, a dark, negative energy that comes from you and permeates and penetrates all of space out into the universe and attracts more of this same energy to you and before you know it, things get worse. In a nutshell, you have become a big crap magnet.
Some of you reading this are thinking it is hard not to be worried, scared, depressed, etc when you are broke and have bills to pay. Know that what you focus on expands. When you focus on being broke, the universe is going to bring you more of it. You are probably telling your story to everybody and yourself, everyday why you can’t pay your bills. Change your thinking, your story and your feelings. Know you will have the money you need when you have to have it. Don’t worry about how you are going to get it or where it comes from. You will have it when you stop worrying about it and believe you will have it. Here is where you have to have faith. Faith is not actually something you have, but something you do. Declare it, believe it, reaffirm it constantly and you will have a “miracle”. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve. It all starts in your physical conscious thinking. If you think a thought enough times, it will become a belief. What the mind can conceive (a physical thought that could become a reality) and believe (a belief is a chronic pattern of thinking, thinking a thought repeatedly becomes a belief), it will achieve (universe will make it happen. Your mind is the universe, the spiritual part of you, a part of Source energy, God). Whether you think and believe negative, bad and wrong stuff or good, right and positive stuff, it will achieve. It’s just a choice.
What you can do, to change your thinking, your life, your health, your financial status and anything else you want is really very simple. I will give you some of the main points here which will turn your life around.
First, #1 Wear a thin rubber band on your wrist all the time. Why? In order for you to get control of your mind, control of your physical thinking, you must START with eliminating all negative thoughts and any negative words you speak, that is negative talk, gossip and all the whining, bitching and complaining, no matter what. This will also eliminate negative feelings. You are thinking that might be hard and wondering what does that have to do with all the problems you have. The answer is EVERYTHING. If you want to have a lot of crap going on in your life with relationship problems, financial problems, health problems, etc, keep it up and know you will become a big crap magnet if you’re not already one. And long term negative thoughts and negative feelings eventually create serious health problems. The easiest and most effective thing to do to get control of your thinking is to simply wear a rubber band on your wrist and every time you think or say anything negative, just snap that rubber band, HARD! Snap it hard enough to hurt. Tell everyone around you why you are wearing that rubber band and explain the rules very clearly. If you should say anything negative, complain or gossip about anyone, you will snap the rubber band on your wrist, but if you should forget or don’t for any reason, those around you should snap it for you but only once. Explain to those around you, this is an experiment to train yourself to be a more positive person and you would like to see how your life changes for the better when you break the bad habit of talking and thinking negatively. They might get the hint their negative talk is a bad habit and not welcome. Your life will change dramatically for the better over the next 30 to 60 days if you follow the instructions to the letter here. My grandmother always said, “If you don’t have anything nice or good to say, then don’t say anything”. Negative thinking is nothing more than a bad habit with your mind.
Anyone can turn their life around, no matter how big of a mess it is. It all starts within, your thinking, your physical mind. You make a decision to be happy or you make a decision to be rich or to be healthy and you will be. It is a decision, with intent to carry it out, and you act upon it with determination and you FEEL it with emotion. Your life, your world around you is a reflection of your world, “within”. You cannot be successful, rich, healthy or really happy if you are drowning in negative thinking. Make a decision to think positive thoughts all the time. If a negative thought does start to come in, snap your rubber band and simply make an effort to think a positive thought. A positive thought is a hundred times more powerful than a negative thought. The alternative here is doing just the opposite which is what you’ve probably been doing in the past which is why you’re reading this with interest. You will soon get complete control of the thoughts you think and you will always choose good, right and positive thoughts. Those thoughts lead to good, right and positive feelings. Those good right and positive feelings lead to happiness, good health and success in every area of your life. Every thought you think, every word you say is recorded and is a prayer. What are you praying for? Now if you can master #1, the rest is easy.
2nd You have to forgive everyone and everything that has ever caused you any harm or pain. It’s just a choice but if you don’t, holding a grudge, hating someone, holding anger in your heart is like you drinking the poison and hoping the other person gets sick. They don’t, you do. Every negative thought and feeling you hold onto long enough will make you sick. For you to heal, really heal you have to truly forgive anyone that has ever caused you pain then forgive yourself. To hold hate and anger in your heart for anyone or anything for any reason creates negative energy every time you are reminded of it, think about it or speak of it. When that happens, it is like you drinking another drop of poison. How much can you take before your health is in serious trouble or you’re dead? Ask God to help you forgive. Tell the person you forgive them or don’t and just forgive them anyway. To err is human but to forgive is divine. Ever heard that before? It is the God’s truth. Forgive everyone who has ever caused you any pain and you will heal. Then forgive yourself. Say to yourself I love you, (your name) I’m sorry, (your name), Please forgive me, (your name), Thank you (your name).(try saying this repeatedly while falling asleep). Powerful.
3rd Meditate everyday for at least 20 mins., clearing your mind, thinking nothing. With your eyes closed and relaxed, look up and out into the Universe, as if your eyelids are transparent, taking very deep but comfortable breaths. Inhale through your nose while you count on your fingers by slightly tapping with your fingertips, hold your breath as long as you comfortably can while counting again on your fingertips and let it out through your mouth again while counting by tapping your fingertips again. This is meditating and meditating is listening to God.
4th Make a written or mental list everyday of what you are grateful for, your family, friends, good health, home, financial blessings, peace, car, phone, computer, etc. Start by writing a list and each day your list should grow. Count your blessings while FEELING Grateful, and say ‘thank you God’. Feeling grateful, really feeling it as you focus on what you’re grateful for will bring you more of it. Always focus on the positive, never the negative. For example, I am grateful for my strong healthy body, is good and positive. I am grateful I am not sick is focusing on the negative and is not good. The universe will give you more of what you feel really grateful for and it will lift your spirits, make you feel better and you will raise your vibration. While this is easy and such a small thing to do, it has phenomenal power and a huge impact on your life.
5th Upon awakening, and several times throughout the day, imagine a bright white beam of light coming down from the infinite sky above, entering your head and filling you up until it is overflowing. This is the Universal light of life’s energy or God’s energy you can use to give yourself a spiritual cleansing and an aura of protection and harmony. It only takes 20 seconds or so to do. It is easy and simple with the subtle thought of doing so, makes it so and is incredibly powerful. This is what healers use to heal. This is how I healed my shattered bones in 12 days. When you first start doing this, imagine the bright beam of light coming into your head, flowing into and through every cell of your body, filling you up, moving out the bottom of your feet into the earth below you, driving it into the center of the earth, taking with it all dark energy from your body. This will get rid of all your negative energy within you, cleanses and heals.
6th Decide to be happy. It’s just a choice. Real happiness comes from within, not from other people, things or money. It’s a decision. When you’ve stopped all the negative thoughts and talk, you’ll stop your negative feelings and you can only be happy.
7th Say some affirmations every day and while the mind is idle. They are most powerful in front of the mirror, while looking at yourself in the eye. For example, “Every day in every way, I AM getting better and better” This is a very powerful affirmation that can and will improve every area of your life if you say it daily, often and with emotion like you mean it with all your heart, raising your vibration, feeling excited about it, even if you have to do this silently in your mind (which is best if sitting among a crowd of strangers). Saying affirmations in a monotone voice (humdrum) will not have much of an impact on your life. Saying this simple 11 word affirmation silently in your mind while in a very relaxed state, like when you awaken but not yet opened your eyes, will allow you to feel the energy shift in your physical self, in your mind for the better! Another affirmation is “Everyday in every way, I AM FEELING better and better, happier and happier, healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger!” Say it like you mean it. Repeat it over and over until you FEEL IT. Keep your affirmations positive. It will improve your mood. Your cells in your body respond to every word you say and think.
8th Smile and the whole world will smile back. You will radiate with positive energy and attract those with positive energy to you. Live, love, laugh and keep smiling.
With practice, once you have achieved these 8 things successfully, then the negative stuff that does try to come into your life, more or less bounces off and away and has an entirely different effect on you and your life than what it does now. Ever heard the saying ‘when you have lemons, make lemonade’? You will learn to do this. Life becomes more exciting, living life more abundantly and knowing what you really want comes to you so much easier!
by Cheryl J. Savage, Certified Hypnotherapist, 19+ yrs, motivational & inspirational speaker, travels nearly anywhere, offering her expertise to hypnotize groups for companies, colleges, organizations, etc., transforming their physical, mental & emotional health, becoming happier and healthier, while reaching their goals. Savage has worked with corporations such as ADM, Archer Daniels Midland & Cargill to stop smoking & lose weight with exceptional success. C.J. is noted as an expert author on the power of the mind.
Blog: http://www.TheHypnosisQueen.blogspot.com