Make the most of a Business Credit Card
Most are familiar with personal credit cards, which have become extremely useful for shoppers. But there are also credit cards tailered and marketed exclusively to businesses, commonly refered to as business credit cards. The use of personal credit cards and business credit cards is similar but a segregation has been made because of the different requirements and legalities associated with business credit cards.
There are many ways that a normal credit card differs from business credit cards. First of all there is always a fee associated with business credit cards, although personal credit cards might sometimes have fees, businesses are usually charged more. This is usually because the credit limit on the business credit cards is much higher than that of an ordinary credit card.
There are many other features that are provided with the business cards. For example, if you are part of a large corporation, then the corporation gets issued a business credit card that is in the name of the organization and if required, in the name of the a top official within the organization. He has got the right to issue more credit cards under the same name and allow the employees to use the credit card and the bill is generated in the name of the organization. Most of the times these corporate credit cards are used for high value transactions. Most of the times; the business cards can have a large number of sub divisions. This means that there can be a large number of cards issued with a limited credit limit that can be used by the employees.
Secondly, business credit cards in general have a lot more features than a normal credit card and the facilities can be accessed immediately with the assistance of a special help desk for business customers. The corporate credit cards also have different protocols for identification. Unlike the normal credit card, the business credit card can be accessed by more than one individual.
The finance department of the organization can have access to the credit card bills and they can call in to the customer services to query dispute or bill payments. These protocols are established and follow the same pattern as the standard verification procedures. If you are looking at the discounts and benefits that are offered with the business cards, then they can be in excess of the normal card. There are many additional features that are provided with additional fee. However, the feature to issue more cards under different names but the same billing header provides great convience to businesses.
Whenever you plan to apply for a credit card , ensure that you have looked at all the features. You must also see if getting business credit cards is more beneficial for you or not. Business credit cards tend to be the prefered choice.