Saving Money Is not Always the main Goal
When you begin your company, you have plenty to think about. You’re worried about how much funds it is going to cost to accomplish everything. Your website could cost money. Buying marketing is going to cost money. Hiring somebody to help you operate things will certainly cost much more money. You could even be slightly tempted to cut corners. It is most likely that you are going to be trying to figure out at least a number of different ways that you can cut costs but sometimes doing this can hurt you. You might get extremely hurt. The place that it affects you the most is when you violate copyright and intellectual property laws. Here are some good examples.
Stealing website models. It is one thing to get a totally free theme for your website or to work with a free website builder. Totally stealing another individual’s design, on the other hand, is a truly bad idea. Sure the online world is a massive place and the possibility of the original designer ever finding out that you’ve stolen the design might be small, you still shouldn’t do it. If you really love the design and would like to use it for yourself, just contact the designer or the owner of the website and ask for permission to either employ that design on your own site or blog or ask the designer if he or she could put together a new design for you (be sure to ask for the price).
Putting up images and photos not having permission. Just because a Google image search turns up a graphic or photo does not mean that the photo or graphic is part of the public domain. Google indexes images and links to the first internet site that displays it. This is fine. Posting the photo or graphic on your website before you acquire permission from the owner or the creator, however, is a violation of copyright law. You could be sued by the owner if he or she ever discovers about it. You would be wise to obtain permission to use the photo before you actually put it up. You may be charged some funds but it is sure to be less than you would have to pay after getting sued. If you are not flush with money, you can search for free images or those that are released under the Creative Commons license that allows people to use the image for professional purposes. Those are okay for open use.
Copying somebody’s written written content. If you want to utilize someone else’s content on your own site it is vital that you give the original writer credit. If the content you use is from another web page, it is essential that you make sure you put up a link to that site. This helps you get favor from the first author. If you don’t put up links or give credit to the original creator, you will get in big trouble for copyright infringement as well as intellectual property theft. These cost a lot more than you would pay an individual to generate original content for you or the links from your site to the original.
When you are building your organization, it is usually better to be cautious. Saving money is definitely something you want to do but make absolutely certain that you save it legally. When you don’t, the cost you will be facing will be much more than it would have been otherwise.
Read additional info on Bill Arnoldi of FireBall Information Technologies – Fireball Tech Computer Repair and Core Business Strategies Online Marketing, an Internet Marketing manager with over 18 years of experience in system design, networking and consulting and services for Search Engine Optimization including SEO, SEM, WSO eConsulting.