Avoid Credit Card Fees All The Time
You might think it somewhat overstated but the truth is that most people who end up defaulting and ruining their credit score for many years to begin the unpaid late payment. Collect fees, interest rates grow and before you know you can not even minimum wage. Believe me when I say, if they are not taken, it is the beginning of the end.
Any advice would be then: avoid paying late and never miss a payment. If the economic situation is complicated you may find the following guidelines useful to avoid penalties and bad credit record, which may affect your ability to obtain financing in the future:
Do Not Just Pay, Pay In Time
The lawyers are saying “he who pays wrong, pays twice”. Payment before the payment is made, if possible, one week before or more. Otherwise, if something comes up about not having enough time to fix it and you get punished. What do you think could justify the late payment surely not for the credit card issuer. On my bill by credit card you can find all payment instructions. Follow closely, pay if you pay for what you should pay and when to pay.
Can Not Pay Full? Always Pay The Minimum!
If you do not have money to pay the whole balance, do not worry. But you must always pay the minimum. In fact, even if you are able to pay more for a week or two, pay the minimum amount required first. You can always add to send additional payments. As soon as your credit card bill arrives, you must have at least set aside, and you must pay the same. Once you are sure you will not be charged a late fee, you can always consider paying a higher amount. But you want to be sure no charges will be added to your next bill.
Skip-payment Service
Make sure your credit card offers this service. Skip a payment service let’s you may request a waiver of the fee every month when something unexpected happens and you can not pay on time or in full. Use this service wisely as it usually can only be used once a year. So make sure that the current situation is truly an emergency and you have no other means to solve the problem. Apparently, the cost of this service, and you must pay the next month so that payment for such service does not exceed the amount you save by not paying late fees.
Change Your Date
Finally, if your credit card bill comes at a time in the month you do not have enough money to cover it and the deadline is too close to the date of payment, simply contact the card issuer credit and ask them to move because of the date in a comfortable day in the month so you can be sure you have the time to arrange payment if there is no problem.
Extra guidance about Fee Credit or low apr credit cards