Leadership And Power
There are various sources of power and these powers are manifested in many ways. The carrot, stick, and the hug are the commonly used metaphors, to explain about varieties of powers. The stick is symbolizing the use of force and the carrot, enticement. The third type of power is the collaborative or integrative power. (Kenneth Boulding, 1989).
In the case of coercive power, superior strength is the basis. Force can be achieved even with less violent means, in the case of coercive power. The power can be exerted even by withholding the necessities of life. To obtain compliance, the mere threat of the use of power is sufficient. Much gentler type of power is represented by the metaphor of carrot. Normally verities of reward possibilities are exchanged in the case of this power application. The power involved in the dealings of global economy is an example of the kind of exchange power. The behavior of people can be changed by the use of exchange power. The element of hug is representing the factors such as love, loyalty, and integrity.
According to Weber, power is the ability of people to get their own way by overcoming the objection from others. He identified different types of authorities as the charismatic authority, traditional authority, and regional legal authority. In all the relations of power, resistance is involved. Controlling of discourse is the basis for the exercise of power. Power will always be coexisting with resistance and like power, resistance will be multiple. In the hierarchy of power the resistance will be influenced by the position of power. Resistance will be easier in the case of more power. In a group the identity politics is influenced by the available potential for the marginalized groups to rediscover identities. (Fook, J. (2000).
People assume responsibility for their actions due to the disciplinary power imposed by self regulation. But the approach and attitude towards the concept of discipline will also be influenced by the power possessed by an individual. Social, economic, cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender factors are influential in deciding the position of an individual in the power hierarchy. Politically imposed powers are also capable of creating a perception of discipline, obligation, and responsibility in the minds of the people.
The increased level of disparity in the matter of power enjoyed and experienced of various sections of society will result in increased rate of injustice done to the most disadvantaged sections of the society. In such cases the powerless people are the most disadvantaged group in every society. The weak position occupied by the poorer and disadvantaged sections of society will create a fragile living environment for the socially disadvantaged people. Such powerless condition will increase their insecurity feelings and their mental health condition will be deteriorating as a result of fear towards the powerful sections.
The power enjoyed by the advantaged sections will be enjoying the support of the political as well as administrative institutions. These advantages will make the better placed people more powerful. As a result the disadvantaged people will become equally powerless. The insecurity feelings will make the mental health condition of the poor people weaker.
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