Selecting the Best Paid Android Applications
Wave Secure is just one paid app and you can buy it for twenty dollars each year. The main idea behind this paid app is security. If your phone gets lost or stolen you can lock it and then track it via the built in GPS system to find the phone. If someone tries to replace your SIM card, the app will send you text messages and other alerts. It also backs up your phone’s data. You can also use this application to totally wipe your phone through a remote contact if you can’t track down the phone and want to make sure that nobody else uses it. For the Android phone, a crowd-pleasing game application is Jewellust. You move around jewels, gather mosaic tiles and inspect ancient Pyramids in an attempt to discover the Pharaoh’s spoils. You play in “Campaign” mode, while trying out the game. Once you become more advanced at playing the game, you can play in “Survival” mode. This gives you an infinite amount of play-time and keeps track of your score for each game you play. Game applications are a good way to lose track of time when waiting for something or when you find yourself when some unexpected free time.
MyBackupPro is a very important application for people who are worried about their phone’s security. This paid Android application gives you the ability to make a backup of your phone. It backs up your applications, phone calls, contacts, settings, text messages, internet bookmarks, phone call log, etc. This application will back up everything on your phone. This can be remarkably useful if your phone is lost or somebody steals it. You can revitalize all your “lost” data onto your new or replacement phone and get back to your everyday routines.
Choosing which paid apps are right for you can feel like an overwhelming decision. Most smart phone users are wary about shopping in the paid app market and won’t do it unless they can’t find what they want in the free app section.
Believe it or not, sometimes the paid apps are actually worth their sales prices. Most people use apps for entertainment or to make their lives easier. Isn’t all of that worth paying one or two dollars?
I am a KC Lawyer who is kinda obsessed my android. I mess around with it more than I work. I thought if I researched an article about apps, it would help me focus. Visit my website and you’ll get a hoot out of the local attorney videos I’ve gathered. My favorite one is a Kansas City Attorney of course.