Education experts believe that the university entrance exam is not the only choice for high school – educators, vocational education, university education – Education Industry

High school get the job candidates in the morning of August 9, there has been an opportunity to choose to go to school. Held in Zhengzhou, the day of secondary vocational school enrollment on-site consultation meeting, some parents take their kids to counseling, and some site you are picking up the advance notice. However, and enrollment in vocational schools compared to the plan, there are still a number of places vacant. Students do not register the same day, has also continued to consult in the vocational school, apply.

6% in grade enrollment rather "cold"

Order to let more students know the school, the city more than 60 secondary vocational schools to host a roundtable forward to counseling students and parents information. Reporters on the scene, not many students came.

It is understood that in recent years, the popularity of vocational schools is far less than high school, school enrollment enroll the majority relies, in the move Test Ago and sat for the grade school are not many candidates. Admissions, according to city statistics, this year, a total of 75,746 candidates in Zhengzhou city, in which there are 66 681 high school candidates who sat for grade school candidates are 3293, while in grade school enrollment plan is 5.4 million just over 6%. Even if there will be high school get the job candidates sit for the school, rural students will be reported immediately, but the source of students in vocational schools will still appear insufficient.

98% of vocational students Employment Very "hot"

And enrollment in secondary vocational school when the "deserted" In stark contrast, is a vocational school graduates in recent years Employment Situation. According to city statistics Admissions to a show in the city this year is expected to reach 4.3 million post graduates, the employment rate of 98%.

"Vocational school in NC, auto repair, cooking, hotel management, tourism, mechanical and electrical hot graduates, were hired six months ahead of schedule." Liupeng Li, deputy director of City Board of Education introduced.

However, many principals in vocational schools, said schools can not provide more social needs of students, mainly caused by lack of students.

1500 enjoy going to school funding, can apply now

From the previous years enrollment in grade school situation, rural students more choice in the vocational school. The city's children in the entrance examination scores even then they want to go to high school. This, the City Board of Education officials think, not everyone is suitable for the university entrance exam in high school, society needs scientists, designers need a group of Technology Personnel and service personnel.

If there are school leavers want to go to the school, recently also to the vocational school to be registered. It is understood that the three-year vocational schools in the professional without grades, junior high school students took the card to the vocational school counseling, registration. Would like to apply for five-year and the "3 +2" college, the students, the need for the entrance examination score transcripts, a minimum score of 235 points, there are still some schools with vacancies.

It is understood that the vocational school for this year's candidates, the Government will provide some subsidy policy: Any student on account of rural vocational schools, 1,500 yuan annual subsidy cost of living, urban needy families, and if they meet the funding criteria will also receive a living allowance 1500 yuan per year.

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