The secret of Mona Lisa

The most well know portrait painting perhaps is the Da Vinci Mona Lisa . It is one of the true masterpieces in the art history. It is also one of the most popular paintings in the oil painting supply. I bet there is large number of people already having a copy of this great panting hanging in their house. But actually, most of people don’t know too much about this painting. Mona Lisa like a mystery and caused many debates, discussions and researches. That smile, those eyes, and now new clues emerge over-there contains secret code in Mona Lisa’s eyes which claims by an Italian researcher. Is that true?Some people think Da Vinci like symbols and codes to get messages across; he wanted us to know the identity of the model by the codes in the eyes which he believed were the door to the soul and a means for communication. It is reported that the highly magnified images of the painting reveal tiny letters.

“Invisible to the naked eye and painted in black on green-brown are the letters LV in her right pupil, obviously Leonardo’s initials, but it is what is in her left pupil that is far more interesting,” said Silvano Vincenti, chairman of Italy’s National Committee for Cultural Heritage.

“It is very difficult to make them out clearly, but they appear to be the letters CE, or it could be the letter B,” Vincenti added.

“Under the right-hand arch of the bridge seen in the background, Leonardo also painted 72 or L2, another possible clue,” Vincenti said. “Two expert painters we consulted on this tell us that all these marks, painted using a tiny brush and a magnifying glass, cannot be an error.”

Many people are curious about how Mona Lisa was painted, is there any special techniques Da Vinci used to perfect the result? As far as I know, artists usually paint three layers while create an oil painting. However, according to French researchers who using X-ray technology, determined that Da Vinci used as many as 30 layers of paint to achieve the subtle shadows and light on the beguiling Mona Lisa face. Actually, one question flashed in my head, how long does it take Da Vinci to finish this artwork? custom oil paintings our artists done for Mona Lisa and other famous paintings usually take 15 days, if it is museum quality, sometimes months.

When I enlarged the pictures of Mona Lisa and other portraits, if I do want to find some letters, of course we can connect what artist painted in the eyes to some letters, strange shape of letters. I don’t know if Da Vinci painted the letters on purpose or just happen to let others think about the letters. I am looking forward to know more secrets about this famous painting.

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