World of Warcraft: The Scientific Study praises players
Also applies to World of Warcraft: When “New scientific studies show …” Article the sentence should start watching the readers. A certain critical and skeptical distance can never hurt since. How many times have the supposed new research results of any faculty of any university to the new Stone were called out.
In the current case is about World of Warcraft, and a study by the University of Duisburg-Essen. Many fans of World of Warcraft will say now that you can well imagine what it is. Finally, almost no game is as strong a reputation for making sensitive and are played by lonely nerds to like WoW.
Here, however, the sociologists come to World of Warcraft, but at a different conclusion. The social component while playing WoW is for the sociologist Stefan Derpman comparable to that of a sports club. “The links can lead to increased social networking in real life. The greatest motivation for playing is the togetherness. “Derpman commented. About the game of World of Warcraft arise on friendships that would in real life stock.
Despite the generally positive tenor of wow power leveling, it is to enjoy the study with caution. Because of its results Derpman passed through “twelve representative sample of” adults aged between 21 and 41 years who regularly played WoW. Both the number and the age and the lack of comparison with other players to beat, this negative effect.